Welcome to Miss Oatman’s Class First Grade B Track Room 305 Contact Info (951) ext
“People go to school to study, work, and produce – just like in an adult workplace. School is where people go to acquire knowledge, learn skills, and develop values that will make them productive citizens and help them grow to their fullest potential as human beings.” - Harry Wong
Please be flexible with all information coming your way and know we are in the creating process to achieve the safest and most optimal learning environment for everyone!! Flexibility - It’s a Lifeskill
Class Dojo !/classes/5595b243447bce29 5e004338/points?sortStudent sBy=first_name
Principal’s Recess and Fun Friday In order to participate: Student must complete homework and turn it in on Friday! Student must have perfect attendance for the week! Student must have 5 positives on Class Dojo on Friday! Rewards Treasure box Choose any class job for one week Sit at the teacher’s desk Sit by a friend for the day Have lunch with the teacher
Raz-Kids! Good readers practice, practice, practice! Raz-Kids is a great online reading program that can also be used as reading time for homework. Your child’s username is the first name and first initial of his/her last name Your child’s password is his/her lunch number (student number) Your child’s book level increases with more time spent on Raz-Kids. Kids love Raz-Kids!
Sight Words Sight words are so important! Books in first grade are composed of decodable text, meaning that they are centered around sight words that can in turn help students decode other words in context. In addition to knowing their kindergarten sight words, first graders are responsible for knowing Lists F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, and N. Knowing these sight words means they can read them (within 3 seconds) AND spell them! Please help your child practice sight words for at least 10 minutes each day. Sight word books (packets) have been distributed tonight – please turn in the signed portion for each list once your child has learned that list. Your child will then be tested.
Grading Policies Students will be given achievement and effort grades in the following areas: Reading-Phonics (spelling) Reading- Comprehension Reading- Word Recognition Written Language Oral Language Mathematics Science/Health Social Studies Effort grades will be given in the following areas: Handwriting Fine Arts- Music & Art Computer Education Physical Education Homework Citizenship
7:45- 9:45100 Mile/ELD/Language Arts 9:45-10:00Recess (Snack) 10:00-11:00Math 11:00-11:45Lunch (Bring or Buy) 11:45-12:50Written Language/Step-Up-to- Writing/Literacy 12:50-1:05Recess 1:05-2:05Social Studies/Science 2:10Dismissal (Bike Racks) *1:10 Early Dismissal Time on Wednesday* Daily Schedule Please send your students to school with a water bottle and their name printed somewhere on the bottle!!
Homework/Communication Folders Communication forms from the school and myself will be in the folder. Please feel free to communicate with me by sending notes and/or monies via folders. Students will be assigned homework on Friday and it must be completed and returned the following Friday. Students will have 7 nights to complete homework which should take about 60 minutes per week to complete. Almost all work will be assigned through my website and will need to be printed at home. Homework will consist of: Daily sight word practice Nightly reading and completing reading log or Raz-Kids Fluency practice Preparing for oral presentations Math practice
We are a secured campus; therefore each adult must sign in at the front office. Please schedule an appointment in advance if you would like to come into the class. If you are interested in helping in our room, please fill out the Volunteer Info sheet and a CNUSD Volunteer Application. I want, need, and love parent volunteers. I have an open door policy when it comes to my volunteers!! Any time given is greatly appreciated!! See me if interested. Secured Campus
Reagan has a “no food” policy enforced for birthdays. To celebrate your child’s birthday we will sing Happy Birthday to recognize your child. You may send in treat bags for your child to distribute at the end of the school day (pencils, stickers, erasers, etc.) Birthdays !
Classroom Supply List White copy paper Colored copy paper Glue sticks (Scotch or Elmer brands) Crayons (Crayola 24-count) Pencils (Dixon Ticonderoga) Kleenex tissue Paper towel rolls Thank you!
Donations Please! Parents and Guardians, Our first grade team kindly asks if each student’s family can donate $20. Your donation will be used to purchase RazKids (Reading/Fluency), ESGI (Sight Words/Heidi Songs), Scholastic/Brain Pop Jr. (Multiple Subject Learning Resources), and Nicky’s folders for the classroom. Thank you, Miss Oatman
Thank you very much for attending our Parent Information Night. Please remember, if you have any questions or concerns during the school year, please me, send a note with your child, or call me and I will be happy to speak with you. Thank you, Miss Oatman (951) , ext THANK YOU!!
Reagan Rally We are Reagan Wranglers We ride with PRIDE Positive Resilient Integrity Determined Encouraging Blazing a trail to success! Yee Haw!