Epidural for Labor Pain Relief Most common choice for labor pain Provides greatest pain relief Satisfaction reported by women Availability expected by women
Epidural for Labor Pain Relief Adverse effects on mother and baby ?
Effects of Epidural on Labor Second stage labor & oxytocin Forcep & vacuum extraction use Maternal temperature Maternal blood pressure
Maternal Complications Infection Hemorrhage Misplaced catheter/dosing error Paralysis Respiratory depression Death
Postpartum Considerations Urinary incontinence Low back pain Spinal headache
Effects on the Newborn Breastfeeding attempts first 48 hrs. Crying in first 48 hrs. Temperature elevations Separation from mother for observation Blood draws for sepsis evaluation
Epidural Effects & Complications Educating women Women have the right to be informed Women want to be informed Most women feel they were not informed prior to epidural
Educating Women on Risks Right time Routine office visit during last trimester pregnancy Wrong time In hospital during labor
A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on (Carl Sandburg)
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