Geometry of WLS bar + Fiber EJ-280 WLS Plastics( ELJEN technology) ( Similar to BC-482 from St. Gobain) Coupled to SiPM Emission spectrum was implemented.
Optical Fiber (from Kuraray)
Simulation result Geometry( Bar+Fiber+SipM) implemented. ‘Wavelength shift’ process was on. But it didn’t seem working. ( expected the emission spectra of WLS) 3. Need investigations. (nm) Photon wavelength spectrum at SiPM
Position by Time difference Continuous X-tal. TOP : Anger Logic (Energy weighted Position) Bottom: Using time difference. Pick-up the max. E TL. (T1-T2)*(1.0mm/0.01ps)/2 mm
Pixelated X-tal Beam X = 0.5mm Beam X = 4.0mm mm mm TOP : Anger logic Bottom : Time difference 0mm 4.25mm
Plan Abstracts for IEEE pixelated X-tal configuration. continuous X-tal configuration.