The Crown Has Come To Ziklag
NABAL’S REFUSUAL TO HELP DAVID I SAMUEL 25:10-11 Nabal lived up to the meaning of his name…FOOL Not only did Nabal not help David… he made insulting comments about him
David had endured years of injustices from Saul…but this time David SNAPPED!
DAVID MET ABIGAIL I SAMUEL 25:10-11 She was a messenger sent by the Lord to stop him from fulfilling his violent plan David’s teachable spirit helped him to maintain his integrity
When you have to face a Nabal… God may send an Abigail!
DAVID’S SIGN OF WEARINESS I SAMUEL 27:1 “David said in his heart…” David started to focus on his situation from strictly a human perspective But when he looked at Goliath, he did it in comparison to the omnipotence of God
DAVID CONCOCTS A CLEVER SCHEME I SAMUEL 27:2 “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” – PROVERBS 14:12
THEN IT HAPPENED… I SAMUEL 28:1-2 “Philistines gathered their armies to attack Israel…”
Divine Intervention I SAMUEL 29:4 There are no records of David seeking the Lord during this 16 month period!
DAVID RETURNS TO ZIKLAG I SAMUEL 30:1 Could this fire be a wake up call for David? Some fire is a purging not a punishment
DAVID’S LOWEST POINT I SAMUEL 30:6 David’s mighty men spoke of stoning him When he first met them they were in debt, distressed, and discontented – I SAMUEL 22:2
A leader’s greatest pain is to have those he invested his life into…turn against him!
DAVID CALLED UPON GOD I SAMUEL 30:6,8 God gave David a word “…pursue and overtake them and recover all that was taken – v. 8
THE SEASON WAS ABOUT TO CHANGE I SAMUEL 30:15 The season of barrenness was about to give way to the season of blessing
IT HAPPENED ON THE THIRD DAY II SAMUEL 1:2,10 “And I took the crown that was on his head and the bracelet that was on his arm, and have brought them here to my lord.”
In the place of your greatest pain…could be the place of your greatest gain!