#amecatwork Measurement Week w/c 15 th September, 2014 An AMEC Global Education Programme initiative
What is Measurement Week – and how can I be to involved!
The strategic direction What is it? Key strategic initiative from AMEC to fill the gap between understanding the value of PR measurement but doing something about it! Measurement Week will help fill that gap through an International week of AMEC member-led events unified via social media to raise awareness and excitement around the latest thinking in measurement. AMEC member companies organising events in their own country or region. Help available from the AMEC Secretariat?
How to take part and the benefits Every AMEC member, whatever its size, can get involved by organising an event in their own country. everyonMeasurement Week benefits everyone -You because it identifies your company as a measurement believe! -Your clients – who see they are working with a company who believes in best practice. -AMEC/the industry – because it raises awareness of the importance of measurement.
An idea from iSentia in Australia AMEC Member iSentia running breakfast seminar with two established measurement and evaluation experts. Gained support of national PR member trade body. Used as launch platform in Australia for Measurement Week.
The US AMEC North American Chapter co-ordinating activities. Already firm commitments made by Cision, BurrellsLuce and LEWIS PR – details being firmed up. Booz Allen Hamilton to announce plans soon. IPR, PRNews and PRWeek US also supporting. PRSA to web webinar.
Other ideas Organise a local Measurement Week event in your city/country during September. Join with your public relations membership organisation in your country to run a Measurement Week event. Run a combined panel event with agency, measurement vendor, client. Hold a webinar on measurement for clients and prospects. Hold Internal “town hall” meetings for all staff – training and discussion around measurement. Use Measurement Week as an employee communications initiative within your offices – especially if you are part of an international network. Bring in social media vendors for an event – e.g.. Twitter, radian 6.
Launch ideas Strategy is to target the groups who are most vested in the concept rather than promote too heavily among the wider marketing community. Year 1 objective is to build a solid foundation for future success and keep the concept slightly below the line until momentum has been generated. Encourage AMEC members to spread the word through WoM and through their channels using #amecatwork. AMEC to provide content for publication as stand-alone or as part of broader measurement material to AMEC members at launch and during the week (& published to the Measurement Week holding page
How to get the message out? Partner with key trade bodies – these logos are examples. Launch a teaser campaign using the hashtag #amecatwork. Run an event with your leading PR or marketing trade magazine. Partner with measurement vendors to offer free trials of platforms for clients or agencies signing up to Measurement Week.
Next steps How will AMEC members be involved? Members asked to develop ideas which will associate their company with Measurement Week. Please inform Barry Leggetter at AMEC with the details.
Any questions/or would like a conversation? Please contact: Barry Leggetter CEO AMEC