Program commitee report 21st Annual Video and Multimedia Review of Computational Geometry at the 28th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry 2012
Reminder: Commitee Helmut Alt – Freie Universität Berlin Sándor Fekete – TU Braunschweig Panos Giannopoulos – Universität Bayreuth Xavier Goaoc – INRIA Nancy Grand Est Rolf Klein – Universität Bonn Christian Knauer (Chair) - Universität Bayreuth Joseph S. B. Mitchell - SUNY Stony Brook Bettina Speckmann - TU Eindhoven Fabian Stehn - Universität Bayreuth Alexander Wolff - Universität Würzburg
Reminder: Timeline / deadlines February 27: Submissions due March 8: Notification March 28: Camera-ready abstracts due April 26: Final versions of video due
Statistics 6 submissions 66% acceptance rate Reasons for rejection – „Out of scope“ (pure math) – Quality issues
Modus operandi Each PC member reviewed all submissions PC chair collected the individual reviews Reviews were distributed to the PC Electronic discussion (1st week of March) Extensive feedback for authors was provided Exceptional: One „conditional“ accept – Authors were given the opportunity to revise their submission
Discussion/suggestions small number of submissions – more „advertising“? how/where... – cancel the session? plan a revision loop from the beginning (more important than for the paper track) call needs some clarification (to avoid „out of scope“ cases) world of video formats has become a zoo – enforce specific conditions on audio & video codecs?
Reminder: Accepted videos Configuration Space Visualization (Dror Atariah; Günter Rote) Surface Patches from Unorganized Space Curves (Fatemeh Abbasinejad; Pushkar Joshi; Nina Amenta) Lang's Universal Molecule Algorithm (John C. Bowers; Ileana Streinu) The Sticky Geometry of the Cosmic Web (Johan Hidding; Rien van de Weygaert; Gert Vegter; Bernard J.T. Jones; Monique Teillaud)