What do you think of when you hear the word “Sacrifice” What do you think of when you hear the word “Sacrifice” ? Could you say that you have ever sacrificed anything ? Write your own definition of sacrifice. Mindmap sacrifices that you have heard about
The Sacrifice of the Mass All religions have practiced sacrifice. Sometimes, they sacrificed some of their crops and fruit harvest. Sometimes they sacrificed live animals. Some religions even practiced human sacrifice. Why do religions have sacrifice? What are they trying to do? To identify the reasons for offering sacrifice To explain why Jesus is the perfect Sacrifice To reflect on how the Church takes part in this Sacrifice
Why sacrifice to God? 1. If you’ve done something wrong 1. Match the reasons for sacrifice with their explanations. 2. Have you ever sacrificed anything in one of these ways? Which one and how? **how was Jesus’s sacrifice of himself a perfect sacrifice? 1. If you’ve done something wrong If God gave you something of great value to you, you can show how grateful you are, by giving up something of value. 2. If you really want to give thanks for something If we can sacrifice & give up things we love, we show we are willing to obey and follow God, no matter what. 3. To show great honour to God, who is greater than anything. Your sin caused pain to others, so a sacrifice is making up for it, by giving up something that is painful for you. 4. To prove the strength of our love and dedication to God, no matter what. You recognise God’s greatness when you offer Him something that is of the greatest value to you: sacrifice means more than just giving.
Draw the triangle What is the Mass all about doing? Why is Jesus the best thing we can offer God? Explain 2 reasons. **It is said that Mass is the most perfect form of worshipping God, that you can be part of. Why is that? When we celebrate Mass, we offer up Jesus in sacrifice to God again, because sacrificing Jesus is the best sacrifice we can offer God. Jesus is the only pure and sinless offering, who was completely obedient to God Jesus is the perfect sacrifice to… Jesus wanted to offer himself up for us – he is a willing victim To Honour God Make up for our wrong God wanted Jesus to sacrifice himself for our sake Show dedication to God To say thanks to God Jesus is the Son of God – we are sacrificing to God something of great value
How can we help Jesus in his sacrifice? What can we do?
Christians try to help Jesus, by making sacrifices to God in their own lives. Which ones would God be pleased with?
The Church Sacrifices Jesus to God Draw a picture of the priest offering up Jesus to God, in the Eucharist. Mindmap around it what we can do to help Jesus in his sacrifice for us. when the priest says Jesus’ words “This is my body given for you”