Mrs. Rodriguez
Tuesday, August 25, 2014 First holiday – Monday September 6 th Labor day – No School
Intro into Geometry Points, planes, Lines Group practice Assignment Ticket out First holiday – Monday September 7 th Labor day – No School
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Geometry is a mathematical system built on accepted facts, basic terms, and definitions.
Points – a location, that has no size. It is usually represented by a small dot and is named by a capital letter. A geometric figure is a set of points. Space – is defined as the set of all points. ABC
Line – a series of points that extends in two opposite directions without end. You name a line by any two points on the line, such as: AB You can also name a line with a single lowercase letter, such as line t. Collinear Points – Points that lie on the same line ABt
Name all points, and lines, if there are any
Plane – is a flat surface that has no thickness A plane contains many lines and extends without end in the directions of all its lines. You can name a plane by either a single capital letter or at least three of its non collinear points. Coplanar – Points and lines in the same plane P A B C Plane PPlane ABC
Segments: are part of a line consisting of 2 endpoints and all points between them.
Rays- are the part of a line consisting of one endpoint and all the points of the line on one side of the end point.
Opposite Rays – are 2 collinear rays with the same end point. Opposite rays always form a line.
QS RQ SR Line l Plane RVS Plane VQS Why not Plane RQS? N, Q, T
N, T
Discuss the following questions with a partner and justify your answer. Given two points, are they sometimes, always, or never collinear? Given two lines, are they sometimes, always, or never coplanar? As you listen to your partner, confirm that your understanding of the vocabulary is consistent with theirs.
DE EF DF ED FE FD No, they do not have the same endpoint. Name all the rays in the picture.
How far does a line go in each direction? What is it called when points are on the same line? How many directions does a line have?