Technology in the English Classroom Andrea Milano Adriana Heredia
TECHNOLOGY IN LANGUAGE TEACHING IS NOT NEW! CALL – Computer Asisted Language Learning ICT – Information and Communications Technology TELL – Technology Enhaced Language Learning CALL – Computer Asisted Language Learning ICT – Information and Communications Technology TELL – Technology Enhaced Language Learning
1. I can never get into the computer room in class time- it’s always been used! 4. My ss know so much more about computers than I do. 5. Why use computers anyway? We’ve got a perfectly good coursebook. 3. I don’t know anything about technology! 7. I like computers more, but preparing materials is so time consuming. 6. I don´t like them, so I don´t see why should I use them in the classroom. 2. Using computers isn´t interactive. My ss could do computer work at home.
Implementing ICT in the classroom oWhat can I do if my learners have very low Information Technology experience and skills? I teach classess with 30 ss. How can I use computers with such large groups ? I don´t have much time for material preparation. What should I do? I’d like to use the Internet to put my learners in touch with learners in other countries How can I do this? My learners need to use the computer mainly for self-study or research, without a T being present. What can they do on their own?
Equipment to get started One computer A printer An internet connection An audio card in every computer Basic software
What is a blog? The term is short for web log. It is esentially a web page with regular diary or journal entry. The term is short for web log. It is esentially a web page with regular diary or journal entry.
They can be set up and used by teachers and /or learners. They can be used to connect students to other communities of learners. The ideas and content can be generated by students, either individually or collaboratively. They can be set up and used by teachers and /or learners. They can be used to connect students to other communities of learners. The ideas and content can be generated by students, either individually or collaboratively. Applications for the EFL classroom:
Advantages of using blogs in the classroom: They are a “real-world” tool for students to practice their written English. It´s a way of contacting students from other parts of the world. They are a “real-world” tool for students to practice their written English. It´s a way of contacting students from other parts of the world.
They may consist of written text only. They may include pictures or photos (photoblogs), or even audio and video. They may consist of written text only. They may include pictures or photos (photoblogs), or even audio and video. What can a blog include?
Blogroll Blogs will sometimes include a blogroll, or list of links to other blogs which the blog writer admires, thereby widening the online community of blog readers and writers.
Blogs used in education. Edublogs cover a wide range of topics related to education: Musings in educational policy. Developments to learner composition. Blogs used in education. Edublogs cover a wide range of topics related to education: Musings in educational policy. Developments to learner composition. Edublogs
Tutor blogs A blog set up and used by a teacher. By means of the blog, the teacher may: Provide students with news and comments on issues. Provide homework or extra reading practice. Provide study tips. Provide a lesson summary. Learners can access, read and add comments to the blog. A blog set up and used by a teacher. By means of the blog, the teacher may: Provide students with news and comments on issues. Provide homework or extra reading practice. Provide study tips. Provide a lesson summary. Learners can access, read and add comments to the blog.
Student blog A teacher may encourage their students to set up and maintain their own individual blogs. Students can be asked to post to their blogs once or twice a week, or when the teacher considers it convenient. Teacher can encourage students to post comments. A teacher may encourage their students to set up and maintain their own individual blogs. Students can be asked to post to their blogs once or twice a week, or when the teacher considers it convenient. Teacher can encourage students to post comments.
Class blog A blog used by an entire class. In this kind of blog, the teacher can set up class work or comments on students` performance on different issues. In a class blog, all students post to the same blog. A blog used by an entire class. In this kind of blog, the teacher can set up class work or comments on students` performance on different issues. In a class blog, all students post to the same blog.
Tutor blogStudent blogClass blog Set homework.Personal and family information. Reactions to a film, article, class topic. Provide a summary of class work. Extra writing practice on class topics. Things students like/don`t like doing in class. Provide links to extra reading/listening material. Regular comments on current affairs. A class project on any topic. Questions and answers (e.g. about grammar, class work). Research and present information on a topic (e.g. an English speaking country). Exam/study tips.A photoblog on learner`s country, last holiday, town.
How to start using blogs with students A simple blogs project that teachers can use with students of all levels is to get them to set up their own students blogs, writing about themselves, their interests, family, country, favourite music and so on, and including some photos.
Step 1- Setting up a sample blog 1-2 hours The teacher has to first set up her/his ownblog in order to become familiar with the blog interface and how it works. This provides a model for students`blogs in terms of content. The teacher has to first set up her/his ownblog in order to become familiar with the blog interface and how it works. This provides a model for students`blogs in terms of content.
Step 2- setting up student blog 1 hour The teacher shows his/her blog to students and they start setting up their own. If there are facilities for one computer per student, each learner can set up his/her blog. If there aren`t enough computers, students can work in pairs or groups.
Step 3- posting to and visiting blogs 1 hour Once students have set up their own blogs, they are ready to spend some time on preparing and posting content. When the students`blogs contain several postings and photos, they can share their blog addresses and visit each other`s blogs, posting comments. Once students have set up their own blogs, they are ready to spend some time on preparing and posting content. When the students`blogs contain several postings and photos, they can share their blog addresses and visit each other`s blogs, posting comments.
Step 4- Follow-up 2-3 hours or several lessons Students can be encouraged to post regularly with the teacher providing ideas and suggestions for content. The blogs can be kept as an internal class project or other classes can be invited to visit and to comment on the blogs. Students can be encouraged to post regularly with the teacher providing ideas and suggestions for content. The blogs can be kept as an internal class project or other classes can be invited to visit and to comment on the blogs.
Blogging Rules Each post must have at least 50/100 words. Do not write anything that would be offensive to your teacher or classmates. Each post must have at least 50/100 words. Do not write anything that would be offensive to your teacher or classmates.
Blogging Rules Make an outline before you start writing. Use Microsoft Word to make sure your blog post does not have any spelling or grammatical errors. Use a thesaurus to make your writing interesting. Make an outline before you start writing. Use Microsoft Word to make sure your blog post does not have any spelling or grammatical errors. Use a thesaurus to make your writing interesting.
First Blog Entry Tell the world about yourself: What is your name? Where are you from? Do you have any brothers and sisters? What do you do for fun? Who is your best friend? What are your goals for the future? Tell the world about yourself: What is your name? Where are you from? Do you have any brothers and sisters? What do you do for fun? Who is your best friend? What are your goals for the future?
Second Blog Entry Write about your favourite music/singer. You can include the lyrics of your favourite song. You may also include a short biography and photographs. Write about your favourite music/singer. You can include the lyrics of your favourite song. You may also include a short biography and photographs.
Third Blog Entry Write a movie review: Write about a movie you have seen. Tell why do you like or dislike this movie. Who starred in the movie? Describe what happened in the movie. Write a movie review: Write about a movie you have seen. Tell why do you like or dislike this movie. Who starred in the movie? Describe what happened in the movie.
Fourth Blog Entry Describe your dream vacation: Where would you go if you could go any place in the world and what would you do? Describe your dream vacation: Where would you go if you could go any place in the world and what would you do?
Fifth Blog Entry Diary: Write about what you did last week. Did you see any movies? Did you go out with friends? What did you do for fun? Diary: Write about what you did last week. Did you see any movies? Did you go out with friends? What did you do for fun?
Sixth Blog Entry Your interests: Write about anything that you are interested in. You can even upload a photo and write about it. Your interests: Write about anything that you are interested in. You can even upload a photo and write about it.
7th Blog Entry Write a short story: Your short story must have a beginning, middle and ending. Make it interesting. Write a short story: Your short story must have a beginning, middle and ending. Make it interesting.
Writing in blogs Students tend to want their written work in a blog to be as accurate as possibe, given that the blog is publicly accesible. The teacher has to give students plenty of time for writing, reviewing, redrafting and checking postings before they are added to the blog. Students tend to want their written work in a blog to be as accurate as possibe, given that the blog is publicly accesible. The teacher has to give students plenty of time for writing, reviewing, redrafting and checking postings before they are added to the blog.
Assessment A student or class blog is esentially a written assignment. As with any written work, the criteria for evaluation need to be made clear for students in advance. Another evaluation criteria may be included such as the use and effect or organization of visuals. A student or class blog is esentially a written assignment. As with any written work, the criteria for evaluation need to be made clear for students in advance. Another evaluation criteria may be included such as the use and effect or organization of visuals.
Bibliography- Sources: Gavin Dudene, G. and Hockly N. 2007, How to teach English with Technology. Pearson Education Limited, Essex Gavin Dudene, G. and Hockly N. 2007, How to teach English with Technology. Pearson Education Limited, Essex