Defining and Breaking Down Stereotypes Mentor Guide Week 3 The Vira I. Heinz Program for Women in Global Leadership
Learning Objectives Explore differences between the definitions of a stereotype. If you agree with one definition more than another, explain why, and encourage your mentee to do the same Discuss how stereotypes can be harmful If the conversation does not happen naturally, discuss the example provided (Women and STEM fields) Understand the cycle of a stereotype - You may want to discuss whether or not you agree with the diagram The Vira I. Heinz Program for Women in Global Leadership
Facilitation Tips Facilitate a discussion centered around your experiences with stereotypes. Try to use an example from your summer study abroad experience Explain that the discussion is private and will not be shared with others Be aware of the comfort level of your mentee Create a comfortable and open environment by meeting in a private or semi- private space. Remember that effective discussions can take place in relaxed atmospheres If your mentee seems comfortable, ask follow-up questions The Vira I. Heinz Program for Women in Global Leadership
Take Aways Encourage your mentee to continue to brainstorm ways to challenge stereotypes. Suggestions for challenging stereotypes: Continue to educate yourself Be aware of the language you use to describe other people Encourage people to share honestly about who they are When stereotyping is witnessed, try to address the action and not the person doing the stereotyping The Vira I. Heinz Program for Women in Global Leadership
Resources Chivis, D. (23 March, 2010). Stereotypes bias hurt women in math and science. AOL News, Retrieved from, math-and- science/ DuBois. B. & Miley, K, (2005). Social work: An empowering profession. Pearson Education: Boston, MA Heatherton, T. F., Kleck, R. E., Hebl, M. R., & Hull, J. G. (2000). The Social Psychology of Stigma, Guilford Press: New York, New York Kubik, J. & Kubik. M. (2010). Why study stereotypes. Rutgers University, Retrieved from, Stoller, F.L., (2010). Civic Education, US Department of State: Washington, D.C. Test Yourself for Hidden Bias (2010). Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved from, The Vira I. Heinz Program for Women in Global Leadership