Robotic Surgery: The da Vinci System Alex Gallagher
Lisa Swanson Total knee replacement Traditional vs. Robotic Surgery Researched her options Weighed the pros and cons
Background Emerging technology (2000) Laparoscopic surgery Overcome limitations of traditional surgical methods Surgeon Control nci_surgical_system/
Technology & Design Comfortably designed work console for physician Patient side-cart Four interactive robotic arms High-definition 3D vision system EndoWrist instruments
Advantages Minimally invasive Less scarring Faster recovery Less pain More precise surgical movements Dexterity Improved Visualization Advanced hand-eye coordination
Disadvantages Expensive Inefficient Undergoing Testing Reliable? Traditional Surgery da Vinci Robot Major Advantage On-spot decision making Improved depth-perception, dexterity, and instrument articulation Operation Time Can be much quicker Generally long Cost More Inexpensive Expensive Major Disadvantage Obscured vision into the body Lack tactile feedback Invasiveness Large Minimal Patient Recovery Time Generally Longer Generally Shorter Error Human Machine/Robot Expensive Inefficient Undergoing Testing Reliable? Disadvantages
Works Cited Au, Kan, Sylvia Cho, Bamboo Dong, Sarah Lee, Suraj Gorkhali, and Joseph Leung. "Robot- Assisted Surgery." Robot-Assisted Surgery. Brown University, 2005. Web. 10 April 2013. "da Vinci Si System." Intuitive Surgical. Intuitive Surgical Inc, n.d. Web. April 15, 2013. tem_si Dringman, Eric, MD. Personal Interview. 12 April 2013. Heidegger, Tamás, Balázs Benyó, Levente Kovács, Zoltán Benyo. "Force Sensing and Force Control for Surgical Robots." 7th IFAC Symposium (2009). Web. 14 April 2013. Kroenke, David. Using MIS. 3rd ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. 2011. Print. “Laparoscopy.” WebMD. LLC, 13 January 2004. Web. 13 April 2013. Mack, Michael J. "Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery." The Journal of the American Medical Association 285.5 (2001): 568-72. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 April 2013. Meyers, William, MD. “Robotic Surgery: A Current Perspective.” Medscape. WebMD LLC, 13 January 2004. Web. 10 April 2013. Lanfranco, Anthony R., Andres E. Castellanos, Jaydev P. Desai, and William C. Meyers. "Robotic Surgery: A Current Perspective." Annals of Surgery 239.1 (2004): 14-21. Print. O'Reilley, Kevin. "Hospital Websites Don't Tell Whole Story on Robot-Assisted Surgeries." amednews. American Medical News, 06 Aug 2012. Web. 15 April 2013.