LOGO E-Radio code presentation Prepared By Abdullah Mustafa Abu Nada Hussian Abd-Jaleel Shaalan Nael Wael Skaik Software group project
Add your company slogan LOGO Contents Parts of project 1 E-radio WEB application 2 E-radio Windows application 3 4
Add your company slogan LOGO Project parts Windows APP For streaming audio files from PC. VB.NET E-Radio WEB APP For managing the radio station web site and receive streaming.PHP and MYSQL
Add your company slogan LOGO WEB APP Classes Main setting Class Message Bean Class DJ bean Class Integrated software Bean Playlist Bean Class Program Bean
Add your company slogan LOGO WEB APP Main setting Class : This class contains the radio settings (name, description, URL, Port number). Store this information in DB.
Add your company slogan LOGO WEB APP DJ Class : This class contains the DJ info. (name, picture, , Status). Store this information in database, and display DJ information.
Add your company slogan LOGO WEB APP playlist Class: Create playlists and manage it. Playlist programs Class: Responsible for adding the programs to playlists with out conflict. Program Class: Adding programs and manage it. Time Class: Adding times and manage it.
Add your company slogan LOGO WEB APP Integrated software Class: Responsible for adding the society website links and manage its. Message Class: Responsible for sending and receiving messages from and to visitor admins and DJs.
Add your company slogan LOGO Desktop APP BASS API Streaming Start sever Get audio files
Add your company slogan LOGO libraries System. Threading :enable multithreaded programming. In addition to classes for synchronizing thread activities. System. Net. Sockets :provides a managed implementation of the Windows Sockets.
Add your company slogan LOGO Start Server Start Server() Start the server (socket). Determine the total number of connection can be Listen it in the server. Creates an IP Address instance from an IP address. Identify current port. Identify Directory to get audio files.
Add your company slogan LOGO Start Server Public Function StartServer() As Boolean CurrentIP = Me.Comboip.Text.Trim Dim address As IPAddress = IPAddress.Parse(CurrentIP) Currentport = TxtPort.Text 'idenfy current port CurrentDir = Me.txtDir.Text 'identfy Directory to GetFiles Dim EndPoint As IPEndPoint = New IPEndPoint(address, Int32.Parse(Currentport)) ss = New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Udb) ss.Listen(20) ThreadAccept = New Thread(AddressOf ThreadAcceptRun) ThreadAccept.IsBackground = True ThreadAccept.Start()
Add your company slogan LOGO Thread Accept Run() Thread Accept Run() Enables our application to have more than one execution path at the same time and multiple connection which IP current listing. If the Connection accepted, then Initialize the Server class.
Add your company slogan LOGO Thread Accept Run() Private Sub ThreadAcceptRun() ThreadAcceptRunning = True Do While Not DoStop Try ' Wait for an incoming connections sock = ss.Accep ' Connection accepted ' Initialise the Server class Dim ServerRun As New Server(sock, CurrentDir, Me.TxtName.Text) ' Create a new thread to handle the connection Dim t As Thread = New Thread(AddressOf ServerRun.HandleConnection) t.IsBackground = True End Sub
Add your company slogan LOGO The handler for the load event The handler for the load event Gets the path for the executable file that started in the application. create the Directory TMP stream to load the current files(*.mp3) where it run. Handle Connection Create byte array buffer. Stream byte array by using BASS API.
Add your company slogan LOGO The handler for the load event Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.StartupPath & "\tmp_streams") 'CREATE THE Directory TMP STREAM TO LOADED THE CURRENT FILES(*.mp3) WHEN RUN IT End If Dim filestr As String For Each filestr In Directory.GetFiles(Application.StartupPath & "\tmp_streams", "*.mp3") 'GET THE CRRENT FILES THAT TRANSFER FROM Directory SONGS TO Directory tmp_streams TO RUN IT IN mp3 PROGRAM Try File.Delete(filestr) Catch ex As Exception End Try