Differentiated instruction Learning Team A G. Payvand Gibson, Wendy Keane, Ken Novak, and Marcella Raad Curriculum Constructs and Assessments: Mathematics and Science/MTE 532 April 5, 2012 Instructor: Dee Kamerman
Introduction Today’s classrooms are more diverse than at any time in our past and reflect a range of student abilities, backgrounds, ages, cultural, and linguistic diversity. Societal changes place great demands on the skills, knowledge and disposition of teachers (Tomlinson, 2009). Effective instruction requires a teacher to not only possess strong content and pedagogical knowledge and excellent classroom management skills but also the ability to provide meaningful learning opportunities for every student through differentiated instruction that takes into consideration what makes them unique (Hobgood & Ormsby, 2010). Team A researched current trends in differentiating instruction in mathematics and science. Four instructional strategies are identified and issues regarding the identified trend are presented.
Choice boards Describe trend. Bullet Applicable to math, science or both Bullet USAGE TREND
Choice boards Topic description Bullet bullet. Topic
Choice boards Issues Topic description Bullet bullet. Topic
Technology TREND Many of the obstacles to implementing differentiated instruction can be overcome with the effective use of technology (Hobgood & Ormsby, 2010). Used to solve problems of a diverse set of student learning styles and needs by creating educational equity in the classroom. Scaffolds instructional material through the use of interactive whiteboards, the Internet for research and educational games, computers for communication, publishing, and educational software, video cameras, and calculators (Hobgood & Ormsby, 2010). Technology is applicable to both mathematics and science instruction. Diverse learners can use technology tools to help solve problems and develop a deeper understanding of the material. Using technological tools, students can demonstrate their understanding of concepts in a variety of ways. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), is a program, offered through the U.S. Department of Education and the National Science Foundation that offers support for teachers integrating these subjects across the curriculum (STEM Education Coalition, 2012). USAGE TREND “Using technology effectively in schools is essential to providing quality education and preparing students for the challenges of the 21st century” (Downey, 2011).
Technology USE Interactive Whiteboards or Smart Boards support whole class participation and enable teachers to integrate easily a variety of meaningful, engaging material into their curriculum that responds to multiple intelligences and styles of learning. They allow multiple individuals to collaborate on tasks – a skill essential for students’ future success (Hobgood & Ormsby, 2010). Presentation tools provide visual sheltered representations of the concepts from multiple perspectives making content more accessible for English language and visual learners. They provide students opportunities to demonstrate their understanding in a variety of ways. The open-ended concept allows for students to be creative in presenting their findings and showcasing their knowledge and skills (Echevarria, Vogt, & Short, 2008). Computers with software and educational games enable students to practice new and review old concepts at a pace and level applicable to their capabilities. They provide students with individualized instruction, immediate feedback, and opportunities to focus on weak areas at school and at home (Hobgood & Ormsby, 2010). The Internet opens up vast opportunities for research and inquiry-based learning through individual activities or cooperative learning groups. Teachers can use groups and inquiry-based activities to differentiate instruction and provide scaffolding of materials and topics (e.g., heterogeneous grouping, similar abilities, or English language levels). Inquiry-based lessons utilizing WebQuests provide significant opportunities for teachers to integrate other subject areas into authentic activities, to motivate students, and to encourage gifted and talented students (GATE) to further investigate topics (Hobgood & Ormsby, 2010).
Technology USE Interactive Whiteboards or Smart Boards support whole class participation and enable teachers to integrate easily a variety of meaningful, engaging material into their curriculum that responds to multiple intelligences and styles of learning. They allow multiple individuals to collaborate on tasks – a skill essential for students’ future success (Hobgood & Ormsby, 2010). Presentation tools provide visual sheltered representations of the concepts from multiple perspectives making content more accessible for English language and visual learners. They provide students opportunities to demonstrate their understanding in a variety of ways. The open-ended concept allows for students to be creative in presenting their findings and showcasing their knowledge and skills (Echevarria, Vogt, & Short, 2008). Computers with software and educational games enable students to practice new and review old concepts at a pace and level applicable to their capabilities. They provide students with individualized instruction, immediate feedback, and opportunities to focus on weak areas at school and at home (Hobgood & Ormsby, 2010). The Internet opens up vast opportunities for research and inquiry-based learning through individual activities or cooperative learning groups. Activities differentiate instruction and provide scaffolding of materials and topics (e.g., heterogeneous grouping, similar abilities, or English language levels). Activities differentiate instruction and provide scaffolding of materials and topics (e.g., heterogeneous grouping, similar abilities, or English language levels). WebQuests provide significant opportunities for teachers to integrate other subject areas into authentic activities, to motivate students, and to encourage gifted and talented students (GATE) to further investigate topics (Hobgood & Ormsby, 2010). WebQuests provide significant opportunities for teachers to integrate other subject areas into authentic activities, to motivate students, and to encourage gifted and talented students (GATE) to further investigate topics (Hobgood & Ormsby, 2010). Hobgood and Ormsby (2010) state that “technology can equip teachers to address students’ needs in an almost limitless number of ways, through content input, learning activities, and opportunities to demonstrate comprehension. And because many students come to the learning environment with a predisposition for using it seamlessly, technology can become an intermediary that bridges the relationship between teacher and student, allowing the teacher to meet a student in a familiar realm” (para. Overcoming Obstacles).
Technology Issues Teachers may be reluctant to implement because today’s tech-savvy students are more knowledgeable than their teacher (Hobgood & Ormsby, 2010). Time and training necessary for teachers to learn technology tools is extensive. Teachers may be knowledgeable about a technology, but lack understanding of how to successfully integrate it using sound pedagogical practices (Hobgood & Ormsby, 2010). Teachers may not have a basic understanding of students’ readiness, interest, and learning profile and therefore do not provide the appropriate scaffolded levels for the student (Hobgood & Ormsby, 2010). Teachers face lack of time necessary to develop the differentiated instruction and find technology content that supports the learning goals for a lesson while meeting student’s individual needs (Hobgood & Ormsby, 2010). Teachers must model and teach students independent learning skills and strategies and must train students on specific technology that facilitates independent learning and goals (Stanford, Crowe, & Flice, 2010). Schools lack adequate funding for equipment and software. Teachers do not effectively manage appropriate use of the Internet. Teachers and administrators face challenges when attempting to implement technology in the classroom.
General Issues class size- the more people in the classroom, the harder it will become to implement this teacher training- old school methods are not working, yet all teachers are not trained in the new methods all teacher doing the same thing- if one science teacher does not agree, then uniformity is destroyed and the plan will not work as efficiently time consuming- planning new lessons, creating new materials (tests and handouts), arranging students for success all take time that a teacher may not have no administrative support- if the administration will not back you then your program is doomed from the start no family support- parental backing in education is very crucial and even more so when trying new techniques new resources needed- new books, materials, and technology tools could prove to be expensive, many schools may not have adequate funding
Conclusion Write conclusion here
References Downey, G. (2011). eSchool news: Technology news for today’s K-20 educator. Retrieved from Echevarria, J., Vogt, M., & Short, D. (2008). Making content comprehensible for English language learners: The SIOP model (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Hobgood, B. & Ormsby, L. (2010). Reaching every learner: Differentiating instruction in theory and practice. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Education. Retrieved from Stanford, P., Crowe, M.W., Flice, H. (2010). Differentiating with technology. TEACHING Exceptional Children Plus, 6 (4), 1-9. STEM Education Coalition. (2012). About us. Retrieved from Tomlinson, C. A. (2009). How will I teach them all? Academic diversity in today’s science and math classrooms. Grants and Research Office (GRO). Retrieved fro;m