East/Southeast Asia Jacob Flores April 23, 2009 Orso 1st
Mountains and large deserts have contributed to the isolation of China along with the Great Wall of China. The Great Wall of China has contributed to the isolation of China but also helps China's economy due to the amount of tourism. Terraced farming makes useless land good for farming and reduces the amount of soil erosion. Japan has adapted to living in the ring of fire by putting buildings on springs and buildings houses according to strict building codes.
Human Environment Interaction Lack of Arable Land- Terraced Farming Tectonic Activity- Building on springs, houses built according to strict codes. This would work in a developed area because these are pretty costly modifications.
Population (Japan) China has major overpopulation problems. The government actually made a law to where a family can only have one kid in an urban area and two in a rural area.