Yudha Virwanto Bagus Triady International Relations
Conventional Threats - Interstate Unresolved Problems (Border Incursion, etc.) - Great Powers’ interests in the region - WMD Non-Conventional Threats
Three Features of NCT - Transnational - Non State Actor Vs State Actor - Asymmetric Terrorism, Separatism, Ethnic Violence, Transnational Crime, Human Rights, Democratization, Environmental Issue, Pandemic Disease, Economic Crises
So Far, still relied on ASEAN Way Skepticism about what ASEAN can do to protect their people. Fail to early warn the people about tsunami which caused massive deaths is the proof. No transnational frame to tackle NCT
2004, human and cooperative security concept is boosted due to tsunami and growing NCT. In Vientiane Action Program, the human security concept are encouraged and agreed by ASEAN states. They also agreed that “democracy, peace, stability and prosperity” are a shared norms in ASEAN.
Eventhough the interdependent nature of security are more and more recognized in the ASEAN, but what they do contrasted it, still hold on to traditional realist view of security, namely sovereignty and non-interference. ASEAN’s plan of Security Community is a good start. Still got a long way to go….
“Balancing moves, occasional brinkmanship, the flaring-up of nationalist sentiment and unresolved non-conventional security challenges will thus continue to characterize Southeast Asian security for the more immediate future”.