Welcome to De Anza!
Agenda Is anyone not on the official roll? The last day to add is Saturday, and the last day for in-state students to drop with a refund is Saturday. America is in the Heart –Who has a paper copy? –Has anyone started reading? Reading Journal 1 Homework
America is in the Heart Part One: 3-93 Part Two: Part Three: Part Four: Finish up to the end of Part Two by next Thursday
Questions for AIH Part I Write down the page numbers for the pages that are relevant for answering the following questions. How did the narrator’s family lose their land? What caused the narrator to travel abroad? What lead the narrator to come to the US? What circumstances (political, legal, economic) enabled the narrator to travel? What expectations did the narrator have before he moved to the US?
Questions for AIH Part II Write down the page numbers for the pages that are relevant for answering the following questions. What is the narrator’s opinion of other Filipinos? This is a very complicated question. What is “America” to the narrator? Again, this is very complicated. What is the narrator’s opinion of non-Filipinos in the US?
Prep for Reading Journal 1 In your first reading journal you will write about the history of your own family during the period covered in America is in the Heart. For a few minutes write down notes about your family from the period Where were they? What were they doing?
Reading Journal 1 Some historical context for America is in the Heart Pre-1492: Boom in spice production in Southeast Asia 1565: First permanent Spanish settlement in the Philippines : Philippine Revolution : Philippine American War : World War I 1929: Stock Market crash, beginning of the Great Depression 1937: World War II begins in China 1941: Bombing of Pearl Harbor
Reading Journal 1 The first reading journal assignment is posted online. Do not leave today until you have posted the first reading journal. In order to post you need to have a google account. If necessary, create a google account today. Create your google account before you write your reading journal. Make sure that you have a copy of your reading journals. Sometimes there are bugs in google’s blogger, and comments sometimes get erased while people are trying to post.
Homework Turn in your travel narrative. If you are not officially enrolled in the course then see me. Do not leave until you have posted your first reading journal. Finish Part One and Part Two of America is in the Heart before next Thursday. You should read up to the middle of Part Two before Tuesday.