Where is it Distributed and Why?
Ecumene: areas of permanent human settlement Temperate climate regions, land suitable for farming, concentrated around water sources Nonecumene – areas not permanently settled: deserts, polar regions, tropical rainforests, high mountains.
Fig. 2-3: The ecumene, or the portion of the earth with permanent human settlement, has expanded to cover most of the world’s land area.
75% live on just 5% of the Earth’s surface, and almost humans all live on about 20% of the Earth’s surface
90% of world population lives north of the Equator
66% lives in mid-latitudes (30-60 o )
66% of world population lives within 300 miles of a coast
75% live on just 5% of the Earth’s surface, and almost humans all live on about 20% of the Earth’s surface
6) Pakistan: 177 million 7) *Nigeria: 162 million 8) Bangladesh: 154 million 9) Russia: 143 million 10) Japan: 128 million 1) China: 1.35 billion 2) India: 1.24 billion 3) United States: 312 million 4) Indonesia: 238 million 5) Brazil: 197 million *Nigeria moved up a place from 8 th into 7 th between 2008 & 2011.
1) India 1.69 billion 2) China billion 3) Nigeria 433 million 4) US 423 million 5) Pakistan 314 million 6) Indonesia 309 million 7) Bangladesh 226 million 8) Brazil 223 million 9) Ethiopia 174 million 10) Philippines 150 million
East Asia: Japan, China, Taiwan, South Korea 1/5 of world pop here, 2/3 of China in rural areas, ¾ of Japan/Korea in cities
South Asia: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka (2 nd largest concentration) 1/5 of world pop here–mostly rural, though highly concentrated urban centers
Europe 1/9 of world pop here– less than 20% farmers, most food imported despite excellent climate (3 rd largest concentration)
SE Asia(Islands in between Indian and Pacific Oceans) (4 th largest concentration) Comprised of mainly farmers in rural areas
NE US and Canada “Megalopolis” from Boston, MA to Baltimore, MD West Africa- Especially along South facing Atlantic Coast
World Population Distribution by Region, 1800–2050 Source: United Nations Population Division, Briefing Packet, 1998 Revision of World Population Prospects; and World Population Prospects, The 2006 Revision.
East Asia: 1,531,000,000 South Asia: 1,433,300,000 Southeast Asia: 548,000,000
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Fig. 2-1: This cartogram displays countries by the size of their population rather than their land area. (Only countries with 50 million or more people are named.)
Arithmetic Density: total # of objects in an area Physiological Density: # of persons per unit of arable land Agricultural Density: # of farmers per unit of farmland
Fig. 2-4: Arithmetic population density is the number of people per total land area. The highest densities are found in parts of Asia and Europe.
Fig. 2-5: Physiological density is the number of people per arable land area. This is a good measure of the relation between population and agricultural resources in a society.