Vitalij Petrov, Sales director DocLogix 2014 MORE SIMPLICITY AND EVEN BETTER PERFORMANCE
Automatic task completion Contact and registry number based search Automated acquaintance with documents “One man several desktops” NEW FEATURES
Automatic task completion NEW FEATURES
MAIN BENEFITS The deadlines for task completion will not be missed anymore The process will not stop if somebody forgets or lags behind with task completion Automatic task completion
Assign a task with a settled deadline for its completion Predetermine a task result for the case if a task is not completed on time (i.e. the system will complete the task automatically) A responsible person will receive a task with special notifications about task’s due date and possible system actions. If deadline is missed, the auto completion functionality turns on and the system completes the task and processes the document further. Automatic task completion
Pick a workflow action
Select autocompleation functionality Automatic task completion
Set the preferences what action should the system take if the task is not completed on time Automatic task completion
The user receives task with notification when the task will be completed automatically and what the result will be
Automatic task completion The system includes holidays when calculating the deadline
Automatic task completion See all task compleation details
Contact and registry number based search NEW FEATURES
MAIN BENEFITS: Quicker search engine with more relevant and structured search results. Find all documents related to your customer, partner, particular registration number Contact and registry number based search
Choose the search criteria straight in the single search field Start typing and system will instantly provide suggestions for your convenience Click the search icon or press “Enter” and the relevant results will be displayed instantly Search results will be grouped for your convenience Security: as usual, every employee can only access only the information that is allowed according to company’s security policy.
Contact and registry number based search Choose the search criteria straight from the single search field
Contact and registry number based search Search results will be grouped for your convenience
Automated acquaintance with documents NEW FEATURES
MAIN BENEFITS DocLogix automatically sends relevant rules to new employees for acquaintance Notifies existing employees of any changes. Automated acquaintance All employees are automatically acquainted with valid rules and procedures relevant to their position
Issue a task for a group and attach the documents they must get acquainted with. Enable document validation and group changes tracking functionality DocLogix automatically sends relevant rules to existing employees for acquaintance The system automatically notifies existing and new employees of any changes. Automated acquaintance
Create a task and enable document validation and group changes tracking functionality Automated acquaintance
“ One man several desktops” NEW FEATURES
MAIN BENEFITS User may work in: different possitions within a company different companies No more misunderstandings after the surname change “One man several desktops” DocLogix 2014 recognizes the user and provides him with particular DocLogix working desktop depending on his chosen role.
Change your working desktop according to your position in one click. Access different documents, receive tasks and be involved in different processes according to your possition or company you are working for at the moment “One man several desktops”
Choose the company you will perform for Choose the position you will perform for “One man several desktops”
Optimized document registration Resolution management Multi-signing functionality out from the task NEW FEATURES IMPROVED FEATURES
Optimized document registration NEW FEATURES IMPROVED FEATURES
Document registration just in 30s. Optimized document registration
Preferences will be provided when filling the document card, so your typing efforts will be reduced. Multiple file upload is available from all most popular internet browsers. The system may delete original files automatically, once they have been converted into pdf.. Start the document related process automatically when creating a document.
Always be sure who is the main responsible person for the resolutions Resolution management More convenient and even more transparent functionality for resolution management
Assign the same resolution to several responsible persons Mark the main responsible person Assign several resolutions for the same document Track the resolution completion status in the hierarchically grouped and visualized resolution history Resolution management
Indicate the main responsible person for the resolution
Resolution management Delegate the resolution
Resolution management T he resolution history represents the main responsible person
You may recall a resolution, if needed Resolution management
Multi-signing functionality out from the task NEW FEATURES IMPROVED FEATURES
Complete multiple tasks even if they require e- signature Multi-signing Complete multiple TASKS that require digital signature at once
Choose a group of tasks you want to complete (for instance: waiting for approval) A task completion dialog opens with a multi- action button Turn on the multi-action button and mark all the tasks that you wish to complete Chose the purpose of the signature and e- document format as well as certificate And sign. Multi-signing
Open task module and find all tasks grouped according the action required Enable multi complete button
Multi-signing Mark all the tasks that you wish to complete
Multi-signing Go through the signing procedure
Multi-signing Check the results
x64 Architecture Windows Server 2012 / SQL Server 2012 / Windows 8 /MS Office 2013 Microsoft Internet Explorer 11; Google Chrome; Mozilla Firefox; Apple Safari NEW FEATURES COMPATIBILITY
When used on a 64 bit machine DocLogix 2014 can now use terabytes of operating memory and, as the load increases, the system can be scaled and its performance kept in check x64 Architecture