Excel Formulas
File -> Open -> 02b-datastart.xlsx
Delete Rows
Select cell A2
Click Delete -> Delete Sheet Rows
Find and Replace
Click on any blank cell then Click Find & Select -> Replace
Find what: N.A.
Click Replace All
Click OK
Select Cell I1
Type Number of Shares
Resize Columns
Click on the line between Columns I and J and drag to the right to expand the column
Can now see Number of Shares
Using Formulas
All formulas begin with an = Can use maths operators + - * /
Click on Cell I2
Type =G2/H2 This means number in cell G2 is divided by number in cell H2
Calculates Number of Shares = MarketCap/Price
Copying Formulas: Relative References
Click on Cell I2
Press Ctrl+c on keyboard to copy cell
Click on Cell I3 and press Ctrl+v
Have now calculated the number of shares of the next company
Double-Click on the bottom right corner of I3
The rest of the column is filled with the same formula
When copying and pasting: If we want to refer to the same cell all the time we use $ signs before both row and column $A$1 If we want only the column to always stay the same we use a $ sign before the column letter $A1 If we want only the row to always stay the same we use a $ sign before the row number A$1
All of the cells in this column are formulas. If you change the original data the result changes.
Paste Values
To keep just the values you can copy and ‘paste values’
Click on the top of Column I to select the whole column
Press Ctrl+c on keyboard to copy column
Click on Home -> Paste -> Paste Values -> 123
The cells now contain values which will not change
Keyboard Shortcuts to move around
Click on cell A1
Press Ctrl + Right Arrow on keyboard to move to right of dataset
Press Ctrl + Down Arrow on keyboard to move to bottom of dataset
Press Ctrl + Up Arrow on keyboard to move back to top of dataset
Press Ctrl + Shift + * on keyboard to select whole dataset
Freeze Windows
Click on cell B2
Click View -> Freeze Panes -> Freeze Panes
Press Ctrl + Down Arrow to move to bottom of dataset
The top row and first column are always visible from everywhere in dataset
File -> Save As -> 02c-datacompleted.xlsx
Challenge Calculate a column showing the price of 10 shares in each company Copy and paste values