Choose a disease.disease Research the disease and the insect vector that causes it. Fill in your information on the appropriate slides. You may need to copy some of the slides to include all your information: go to ‘Insert’ and choose ‘Insert duplicate slide’. Make sure you link the starting slide for each topic back to the Index and that the topic is included in the Index. Record the resources used in a bibliography.bibliography Heinemann Biology Activity Manual Activity 7.6 Insect vectors of disease (This slide is an introduction only. When you have finished, go to ‘Edit’ and choose ‘Delete slide’.)
Some suggested diseases Malaria Leprosy Root knot Bubonic plague Chagas disease Elephantiasis Tomato spotted wilted virus Tomato big bud (When you have chosen a disease, delete this slide.)
Insect vectors of disease Presentation by: (insert your name here) (Insert a clipart or picture of an insect vector. Delete this text box.) (Name of disease)
Index Pathogen Host Mode of transmission Life cycle Symptoms Treatment Prevention Control of the disease Bibliography
Pathogen (Name the pathogen that causes the disease and explain how it causes the disease.) Host (Name the host for the pathogen.)
Mode of transmission (Name the vector and how it transmits the disease.)
Life cycle (Draw or insert a picture of the life cycle of the pathogen.)
Symptoms Symptoms of the disease: …
Treatment Treatments for the disease: …
Prevention (How is the disease prevented? Include the most effective time and way to limit its spread.)
Control (How is the disease controlled? Include the most effective time in the pathogen’s or vector’s life cycle to control the disease.)
Resources: Internet … Resources: Books … Enter details for books, encyclopaedias, CD-ROMs, etc. you use. Delete this text box. Record the name and the URL of any Internet sites you use. You could start with search terms such as infections diseases or the name of your disease. Delete this text box.