The Rest of the Story
Constructors Compiler-generated The Initializer List Copy Constructors Single-arg (conversion ctors) The Assignment Operator 2 CS C++ Software Development
Execute after an object’s memory is allocated Used to initialize an object’s memory Which constructor executes depends on arguments passed Run after sub-objects are initialized Base classes and sub-objects initialize first Example: initMembers.cpp 3 CS C++ Software Development
Member objects are default-initialized class types run the default constructor built-in types are not initialized by default See initInt.cpp, defaultinit.cpp “Zero Initialization”: Occurs with an explicit call to a default ctor Even with built-ins: int x = int( ); // 0 See defaultinit2.cpp CS C++ Software Development 4
By-passes default initialization The only way to initialize const and reference members It is inefficient and poor practice to initialize member objects in the body of the containing constructor Built-in types are okay, though Examples: badInit.cpp, goodInit.cpp, constMem.cpp 5 CS C++ Software Development
#include class String { char* data; public: String(const char* s = "") { data = new char[std::strlen(s) + 1]; std::strcpy(data,s); } ~String() {delete [] data;} int size() const {return std::strlen(data);} char getAt(int pos) const {return data[pos];} void setAt(int pos, char c) const {data[pos] = c;} void display() { std::cout << data << '\n'; } }; 6 CS C++ Software Development
int main() { String s = "hello"; // same as String s("hello"); for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) cout << "s[" << i << "] == " << s.getAt(i) << std::endl; String empty; std::cout << '"'; empty.display(); std::cout << "\"\n"; } /* Output: s[0] == h s[1] == e s[2] == l s[3] == l s[4] == o "" */ 7 CS C++ Software Development
int main() { String s = "hello"; String t = s;// same as String t(s); t.setAt(0,'j'); s.display(); } /* Output: jello a.out(4603) malloc: *** error for object 0x : pointer being freed was not allocated */ 8 CS C++ Software Development
Initialization occurs only once, right after an object is created ▪ always by some constructor Assignment occurs only after an object has been initialized ▪ via operator= Which constructor executed in the previous slide? 9 CS C++ Software Development
Initializes a new object as a copy of an existing object of the same type or of some convertible type Has signature T::T(const T&) or T::T(T&)// not recommended Copies each member across using their own copy constructors, recursively Generated by the compiler But you can override it (and sometimes should) 10 CS C++ Software Development
String(const String& s) : data( {} // Identical here to: String(const String& s) { data =; } (because pointers are not objects, and hence are not default-initialized.) 11 CS C++ Software Development
hello\0 s::data t::data 12 CS C++ Software Development
If you have a pointer as a data member, a shallow copy is probably not what you want Multiple pointers point to the same memory If you de-allocate the data member in one object, you have created a likely fatal situation in the other (double delete) 13 CS C++ Software Development
Classes with pointer members representing a dynamically allocated resource should offer a deep copy: Allocate new heap space Copy data to new target 14 CS C++ Software Development
String(const String& s) { data = new char[strlen(]; strcpy(data,; } 15 CS C++ Software Development
Rarely done for non-built-in types Objects are often returned by value, though New values are often created A copy is made Therefore, a constructor executes But which constructor? 16 CS C++ Software Development
Not always the copy constructor Depends on the argument(s) via overload resolution As simple as that! Example: trace.cpp 17 CS C++ Software Development
Why does changing t affect s below? int main() { String s = "hello"; // same as String s("hello"); String t; t = s; t.setAt(0, 'j'); s.display(); } /* Output: jello a.out(4767) malloc: *** error for object 0x : pointer being freed was not allocated */ 18 CS C++ Software Development
Uses operator= must be a member function Generated by the compiler assigns each data member individually does a shallow copy You can override it and sometimes should, just like the copy constructor 19 CS C++ Software Development
String& String::operator=(const String& rhs) { data =; return *this; } hello\0 s t 20 CS C++ Software Development
Allocate new heap space Copy characters to target Delete the old heap space Return *this Avoid unnecessary self-assignment An optional but encouraged optimization And watch the order you do things in! 21 CS C++ Software Development
String& String::operator=(const String& s) { if (&s != this)// avoid self-copy { char* new_data = new char[strlen(]; strcpy(new_data,; // copy delete [] data; // delete old data = new_data; // store new } return *this;// for full ass’t. semantics } 22 CS C++ Software Development
A must for large objects (streams, etc.) Make the copy constructor and assignment operator private Will cause a compile error if client code tries to copy or assign Only declare them Define no function bodies Will cause a link error if member functions try to copy or assign 23 CS C++ Software Development
Implicit promotion of numeric types Widening of: char -> short -> int -> long -> long long Conversion from integer to floating-point Needed in mixed-mode expressions (x + i) and in passing parameters Function prototypes initiate the conversion for parms 24 CS C++ Software Development
You can allow conversions to and from any class type from or to any other type Convert to a class type via a single-arg constructor ▪ aka “conversion constructor” Convert from a class type via a conversion operator ▪ a special type of member function You can turn off implicit conversions With a special keyword (explicit) 25 CS C++ Software Development
Sometimes multiple conversions occur invisibly in sequence in a single expression Only one class type (i.e., non-primitive) is allowed inside a sequence of conversions Example convert.cpp convert2.cpp 26 CS C++ Software Development
explicit keyword Example convert3.cpp 27 CS C++ Software Development
Copy Constructor the compiler generates a shallow one if you don’t define it All Other Constructors if you don’t provide any constructors at all, the compiler generates a default constructor (which default-constructs each member) Single-arg constructors are conversion constructors Assignment Operator the compiler generates a shallow one if you don’t define it Destructor the compiler generates an empty one if you don’t define it Members with destructors are destructed automatically anyway 28 CS C++ Software Development
const is your friend It prevents modification errors by enforcing "read-only- ness" const objects can only call const member functions all objects can call const member functions! const member functions receive the following this pointer: const T * const this Non-const member functions receive the following this pointer: T * const this CS C++ Software Development 29
const member functions cannot change fields: “x = 2” “this->x = 2”// error in a const fn Unless they’re mutable “x = 2” “const_cast (this)->x = 2” See mutable.cpp Remember: const is a user-view thing CS C++ Software Development 30
Objects don’t exist until they are fully initialized by a constructor Constructors do not receive a this pointer This if OK: you have to modify things during initialization! So you don’t declare constructors const Nor do they return anything CS C++ Software Development 31
Consider front, back, and at in class Deque They are non-const functions They can’t be applied to a const Deque object You can overload on const So you can define overloaded const versions See deque2.cpp and deque3.cpp However, there is a problem with the return by reference! Look at the return types of the const versions CS C++ Software Development 32
A const member function should never return a non-const reference Remember, it’s a user-view thing You are responsible to enforce this! Always provide two overloads: T& f( ); const T& f() const; Classical example: the indexing operator (same as at( )) T& operator[](int pos); const T& operator=(int pos) const; See deque4.cpp CS C++ Software Development 33
Only the declaration goes in the class definition Usually in a.h file The definition of the member must occur at global scope In a.cpp file Defines space for the member in the data segment (There is no “class object” in C++ like in other OO languages) CS C++ Software Development 34
In MyObject.h: class MyObject { static Pool pool; … }; In MyObject.cpp: Pool MyObject::pool(…); CS C++ Software Development 35