Animal Farm Chapter VIII (8)
1. Why did no one want to mention the 6 th commandment in the presence of the pigs? They might be killed by Napoleon for questioning him.
2. How were the animals fooled into believing that they were experiencing even better and more prosperous times on Animal Farm? Squealer came on Sundays and read out numbers that stated with what percentage each crop increased. The animals had no reason not to believe him.
3. How important do you think does Napoleon think he has become? (Look at the ceremony when he appears) Napoleon thought he was a king.
4. Why was the way that Napoleon lived not really in the spirit of Animalism? Napoleon lived apart from the other animals and ate from fancy dishes. The 7 th commandment said all animals were equal and Napoleon was not equal to the rest of the animals.
5. How do you know that Napoleon has become a bit paranoid? He has four dogs guarding him when he sleeps and he appointed a pig, Pinkeye who had to test Napoleon’s food for in case it was poisoned.
6. What rumours did the animals hear from the other farms? Why was it in a sense good for the animals to hear these rumours? One has flogged an old horse to death. One starved his cows. One killed a dog by throwing it into a furnace. One amused himself in the evenings by making the cocks fight with splinters of razor-blades tied to their spurs. b)The animals thought there were worse conditions on other farms and would therefore never leave Animal Farm.
7. What other lie was spread about Snowball’s decorations? Snowball was never decorated ‘Animal Hero First Class’, he received a demerit for cowardice.
8. Describe the feeling of the animals when they completed the windmill. They were proud.
9. Why do you think is Napoleon’s negotiating strategies not so successful? He makes a verbal agreement with Pinchfield, gives him his word. He breaks his word with Pinchfield and makes an agreement with somebody else. This makes him untrustworthy.
10. How did Frederick trick Napoleon? Frederick paid Napoleon with false money.
11. Why did Pilkington sent Napoleon the message: “Serves you right”? He was still angry with Napoleon that Napoleon broke his word.
12. What was Frederick’s plan with the attack on Animal Farm? He wanted to blow up the Windmill.
13. The animals won the battle. In retrospect, what did the animals win with this battle? Nothing, they have won back what they already had.
14. Why did Squealer say was their victory so great? They were not occupied by the enemy anymore and they have won back what they had before.
15. Why did Napoleon think he was dying? He had a hangover from too much alcohol.
16. What is the alcohol a metaphor for? Wealth and luxuries. It shows how a person can get addicted to wealth and luxuries.
17. Why did Napoleon pronounce the decree that any animal that drinks alcohol will be punished by death? He thought it was harmful. He made the decree while he was still suffering from his hangover.
18. How can you see that Napoleon is indulging himself in wealth? He plants barley so he can make his own alcohol. A whole field is used to satisfy his desire and is not used for the benefit of the animals
19. What was Squealer caught doing in the middle of the night? Why was Benjamin only shaking his head knowingly? Squealer was changing the seven commandments with paint. Benjamin knew about this all along.
20. Which new commandment was changed and why do you think was it changed? No animal shall drink alcohol to excess. It allows Napoleon to drink alcohol.