An overview
Introduction Divisional office is the administrative office of the Superintendent/Sr. Superintendent of Post Offices Controls the Postal operations of the Postal Division The head of the division is assisted by supervising officers and office assistants in administering the division
Supervising officers ASP(HQ) – supervises all branches except G, L, IR, F General office management ASP(R) or D or DO or Tour Supervises Mails, Miscellaneous, IR and Investigation branches Passes bills to the extent delegated Conducts inspections and visits as planned IPO(Complaints) In charge of the complaints branch First level supervision of investigation branch
List of branches in D.O Establishment – A branch Staff branch – B1 and B2 Buildings – D Accounts – E Investigation – F Complaints Mails – G Inspection Stock – J Miscellaneous – L Despatch PLI/RPLI PMU
Introduction to branches
Establishment Maintenance of establishment register for all posts Periodical review of establishment Review of temporary posts MDW approval Abolition and creation processing Processing of relocation, retention, upgradation and down-gradation cases Change of account jurisdiction Review of the allowances of Gramin Dak Sevaks Licensing of franchisee POs Grant of Cycle allowance, treasury allowance and cash handling allowance Change of jurisdiction of subdivisions
Est introduction.pptx Establishment Review.pptx
Staff branches We have two branches Staff 1 or B1 – Handles all staff matters up to the level of PA Staff 2 or B2 – Handles all staff matters pertaining to the following cadre Postmen and Multi skilled employees Grameen Dak Sevaks
Staff 1 or B1 Maintains the personal files of SSP/SP, ASPs, Inspectors and other supervisory and clerical staff Processes leave application of these cadres and issues leave memo Maintenance of rosters Maintains Gradation list of the division for the divisional cadre up to PA Processes the recruitment of PAs and calculates vacancies thereof Processes the transfers of divisional cadre staff Processes the retirement cases – voluntary and superannuation Processing Rule 38 cases Processes resignation Processes promotion and co-ordinates DPC Processes treasurer appointments and follows up securing FG bond Processes small family norm cases Processes review of service of officials completing 50 years of age and 30 years of service
Recruitment Process.pptx Roster.ppt
Staff 2 or B2 Maintains gradation list of Postmen & MTS Maintains seniority list of GDS Maintains roster Processes the leave applications of Grameen dak sevaks beyond the sanctioning limits of sub appointing authorities Processes the recruitment of Grameen dak sevak BPMs Processes the retirement of GDS and payment of severance benefits Assists the divisional head in conducting various examinations
Buildings (D) branch Takes care of the premises occupied by Departmental Post Offices as well as quarters in the division Periodical maintenance of departmental buildings and quarters through civil & electrical wing Processes allotment of staff quarters Maintaining register of rented and departmental buildings Periodical follow up of expiry of lease of rented buildings Processes FRAC cases Follows up the security of departmental sites Submits the relevant report and statements to RO/CO Verifies the NPC bills relating to buildings Follows up court cases relating to lease, encroachment etc.,
Bldgs & FRAC.ppt
Accountant - E Control over expenditure Maintains budget statements Processing of claims – TA, LTC (permission also), ROMC, OTA, honoraria and incentives Attends to audit inspections and submits compliance to AIR Processes pension cases Countersignature of NPC bills Conducting Pension Adalat and follow up of issues
Fraud (F) Maintenance of fraud and loss register Maintenance of Punishment register Maintenance of suspension and POD register and periodical review of the cases Monitoring of Investigation and past work verification in fraud cases Settlement of claims of defrauded customers Follow up of fraud and loss cases till all aspects are closed Processing major and minor penalty proceedings and inquiries Processing appeals and petitions Follow up of criminal cases Submission of statements to RO/CO on all the activities Assists in preparing DLI in major fraud cases where Divisional level investigation is taken up Assisting CLI in major fraud cases and submission of compliance report Review of monthly statement of money orders verified by sub divisional heads and mail overseers
Mails(G) Maintenance and updating of Register of Lines and stages Issue of DMSL and NHB Maintenance of updated village sorting list Maintenance of MMS vehicles Follow up of contractual MMS mail contracts Payment of mail subsidies Monitoring mail lines and mail flow Mail arrangements
IR Branch Approval of inspection programs Maintenance of inspection register and follow up of the programs Review of IRs and follow up of compliance Follow up of diaries of inspecting officers Issue of MABs and CMAB Follow up of ECB and SMR Official language implementation
Stock(J) Maintenance of stock and stock register Local purchase and supply of sundry items Asset register updation Inspection vehicle – maintenance, consumables Disposal of old records and scraps Welfare activities – Recreation club
Miscellaneous(L) Attending to issues relating to SB/SC transactions All miscellaneous references Franking machine licensing and renewal Maintenance of register of claims and settlement Monitoring settlement of claims by sanctioning authorities Monitoring CBS preparation
Business development Monitoring implementation of guidelines Follow up of achievement of targets on BD products Submission of periodic statements
Technology branch Maintenance of technology infrastructure Follow up of AMC Supply of consumables Follow up of technology implementation Follow up of continuity of operations
Complaints branch Registering and settlement of complaints using web based grievance handling system Preparing defence and follow up of cases before consumer forum Processing RTI cases Submission of statements and reports Processing Dak adalat cases
PLI Processing applications for acceptance of proposals Processing loans Processing revival of lapsed policies
RPLI Acceptance of proposals Sanctioning of loans and revivals Processing maturity cases Processing claims
PMU branch Interface with PMU at the RO Monitoring MIS of e-enabled services RNet, epayment, eMO, Speednet, Accounts MIS, performance Monitoring project arrow MIS and submission of files Monitoring CBS preparation Monitoring speed post MIS and MNOP KPIs Monitoring the implementation of IT Modernization Project