Biomass Brokerage Manitoba work to date: Chad Effa Lucille Barnabe Andrew Friesen Andry Giesbrecht & Bruce Duggan
A Brokerage? examples Manitoba Buy & Sell kijiji eBay Canadian Overseas Log & Lumber Lumber Brokers Worldwide Manitoba Hay Registry Pellet Zone
A Brokerage Creates a Market links all participants together reduces search cost & effort finding customers finding suppliers finding shippers, storers, equipment, expertise, advice, examples... reduces transaction costs standardizes contracts & other arrangements a brokerage is essential to the development of a biomass industry in Manitoba
cattails forestry residue urban forest prunings wood production residue willow straw food production residue truck rail ash silo elevator shed barn stove stoker generator loose bale cube pelletize char sourceformshipstoreconsumereturn
not started research brokerages Project Flow Chart in process completed
equip office equip office draft contract template register name set up set up secure start- up funds research consumers draft budget research brokerages set up phone draft database launch set up web site set up web site hire staff hire staff open bank account research processors research shippers research storers research equip research producers not started in process completed
Continually adding new information. draft database
Continually adding new information. draft database
Continually adding new information. draft database
Continually adding new information. draft database
Continually adding new information. draft database
Continually adding new information. draft database
draft budget draft budget
Consider silos, elevators, A-frames, unused agribusiness facilities. Researching availability & cost. research storage
Consider silos, elevators, A-frames, unused agribusiness facilities Researching availability & cost. research storage
Have contacted known suppliers. They report insufficient demand to produce on large scale. Current focus on Hutterite colonies & other current coal users. Need to understand interest. research suppliers research consumers
Investigate cattails as biomass source research producers
densify cattails process ash transport cubes transport ash burn cubes dry cattails grow cattails CO 2 farms gardens lawns “artificial” fertilizers CO 2 compost cut cattails municipalities agri-business commercial kitchens sewage natural gas coal HEAT Phosphorus & Nitrogen lake
Investigate uses for biochar research processors
Need to understand production capabilities, and costs associated with operation. research processors
equip office equip office draft contract template register name set up set up secure start- up funds research consumers draft budget research brokerages set up phone draft database launch set up web site set up web site hire staff hire staff open bank account research processors research shippers research storers research equip research producers not started in process completed
work to date: Chad Effa Lucille Barnabe Andrew Friesen Andry Giesbrecht & Bruce Duggan Biomass Brokerage Manitoba