What is my Office Level Using PS Form 150?
History of Post Office Level Programs WSC Form 150 First developed in late 1978 Automation credits deducted early 90’s Now only used to level WSC level 18 and above offices Adjusted Earned Wkhrs (AEWL) First announced May 9, 2012 League spreadsheets with formulas certified by HQ May 31, 2012 Used FY 2011 data to determine initial levels
WSC Form 150 Total Deliveries Total Revenue Some City Delivery Credit remains if DUO All RMPO credits roll to APO after POStPlan is implemented in RMPOs Must have 2076 credits to use this program AEWL Uses SOV/CSV variance programs which includes: Actual Volumes Retail transactions (walk in revenue in manual ofc) Level of Office Basic other functions at preset amounts per delivery, etc. Some district editable functional credits Major Differences in Critical Data
WSC Form 150 Program is updated monthly by HQ Changes take effect when a Form 150 is processed by District, approved at Area and HQ Typically takes two to three pay periods to change level Has a Zone of Tolerance including a two year wait AEWL Will be used every year going forward to level offices Probably will be computed each spring Any level change will take effect beginning of the next Fiscal Year Has a different type of Zone of Tolerance, using average hours per day When Program is Used
THE INSTRUCTION ON THE FORM STATES VACANT OFFICE POSTMASTER INITIATED 3 YEAR MANAGEMENT REVIEWS When Should a WSC PS Form 150 Be Pulled ? We recommend that all offices should be pulled at least twice a year if anywhere near 2076 credits, and every month if within 100 credits or an APO with RMPOs not rolled in yet
onalportal/directreports/staffingandfieldpolicy/ operations%20complement%20management/o cm1_tools_ps150.shtml Or From the Blue page > Inside USPS > HR Executive Direct Reports > Operation Complement Management > Under OCM Tools: Automated Form 150 Getting to the PS Form 150
Automated PS Form 150 Data Sources
You do not get finance station exception credit until staffed
WSC Ranges
Adjusted Earned Workload If the office earns less than 2076 WSCs using the Form 150 process, AEWL is used AEWL uses the data from either CSV for CAG A-G offices or SOV for CAG H-L offices This number cannot be viewed in CSV or SOV, because of certain adjustments
CSV/SOV Data Sources eFlash – Distribution, Box Volumes and Work Hours End of Run – Automated/Mechanized Volumes Window Operations Survey (WOS) – Earned Hours and Workload if on POS ONE WebBATS – Callers Address Management System (AMS) – Routes and Deliveries WebCOINS – On Rolls Complement and MPOO Designation Facilities Database – Hours of Operation