Nouns Function: ____________________________ Examples: Person Place


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Presentation transcript:

Nouns Function: ____________________________ Examples: Person Place Thing Idea

Function:_____________________________________________________ Examples: _____________________________________: I, you, she, he, it, we, you, they _____________________________________ : me, you, her, him, it, us, you, them _____________________________________: mine, yours, hers, his, its, ours, theirs _____________________________________ :myself, yourself, himself, itself, ourselves _____________________________________ : this, that, these, those _____________________________________ : all, any, anyone, both, either, everybody, everyone, few, many, most, neither, nobody, none, several, some, somebody, someone _____________________________________ : what, which, who, whom, whose Pronouns

adjectives Function: ____________________ answers: Which __________? What ___________? How ___________? Examples: Tall house Red car That pencil Two girls Pretty flowers This room Ferocious sharks Wondrous wizards

Verbs Function: ___________________ ______________________________ Examples: _______________ run walk laugh hug write watch study play talk ___________________ is am are was were be been being do does did has have had can may will shall could would should might must __________________ is am are was were be been being Verbs

adverbs Function: __________________ ___________________________ Answers the questions: When? Where? Why? How? To What Extent? Under What Condition? Examples: Wait patiently Boldly spoken Bright red balloon Finally, school starts. Second Period is next.

Prepositions Function: __________________ ___________________________ Examples: about above across after against along among around at before behind below beneath beside between beyond but by despite down during except for from in inside into like near of off on onto out outside over past since through throughout till to toward under underneath until up upon with within without *A Prepositional Phrase is a group of words consisting of the Preposition, sometimes an article (a, an, or the), and the noun or pronoun that functions as the object of the preposition. in the book by the tree after the bell

conjunctions Function: _______________________________ Examples: ________________________: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so (FANBOYS) ________________________: after, although, as, because, before, how, if, once, since, than, that, though, till, until, when, where, whether, while ________________________:  both...and, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also,, whether...or

Function:______________________________________________________ Examples: _________! That hurt! ___________, I forgot that the exam was today. __________! Put that down! I heard one guy say to another guy, "He has a new car, ______?“ I don't know about you but,____________, I think taxes are too high! interjections