Fish Friday Mugilomorpha and Atherinomorpha 10/24/08
You are here. At the base of the Acanthopterygii (spiny-finned fishes)
Mullets - Mugiliformes Two dorsal fins, the first with 4 spines Found in coastlines and estuaries Schooling fish Feed on detritus Shit fish” The endearing name given to them by sailors White Mullet
Atherinomorpha Atheriniformes BeloniformesCyprinodontiformes Most successful group of surface-feeding fishes Unique mechanism of jaw protrusion – premaxilla does not articulate directly with maxilla
Rainbowfish Freshwater fish Found in Indonesia/Australia and Madagascar – believed to be vicariance Popular aquarium fish
Silversides Two dorsal fins, long anal fin Found in saltwater and freshwater Silver sides Schooling fish Brook Silverside Labidesthes sicculus
Grunion Swims onto the beach after full and new moons to breed (called a “run”) Female buries lower half of body in sand, male wraps around her
Beloniformes Mostly marine fishes Most are elongated Needlefish Flying fish
Ricefishes - medaka Used in many scientific experiments First vertebrate to mate in orbit Glofish – transgenic medaka with glowing jellyfish genes The things we do in the name of science
Needlefish Elongate bodies with long jaws Bright green bones Habit of jumping out of the water – people have been impaled
Halfbeaks Only lower jaw elongated – neotenic trait Variety of reproductive systems – some lay eggs (oviparous), some are livebearing (ovoviviparous and viviparous) Marine and freshwater
Flying fishes Can “fly” up to 400 meters over 30 seconds Elongated lower lobe of tail used for propulsion while flying Specialized cornea allows focusing in water and air
Cyprinodontiformes Freshwater, surface-dwelling fishes Variety of reproductive systems – Ovoviviparity and viviparity have evolved more than once
Killifish and topminnows Can survive in low oxygen levels Lay eggs Habit of leaping out of water
Livebearers Guppies, mollies, platies, swordtails, mosquitofish Internal fertilization – males have a modified anal fin protrusion called a gonopodium
Guppies Huge variation in male colors Colors affected by negative frequency- dependent selection – rare males do better
Amazon molly
Swordtail Sexual selection – females prefer longer tails in males Can be manipulated experimentally This is true even in related species that don’t naturally have tail swords
Four-eyed fish Eyes are split in halves to see underwater and in air at the same time Live-bearers with internal fertilization Have a “side” – left-sided males can only mate with right-sided females and vice-versa How the eye of the four-eyed fish works
Videos Flying fish video: CdUw17E CdUw17E CdUw17E Glofish: dI90&feature=related dI90&feature=related dI90&feature=related
Review questions What is the phylogenetic position of the mullets within the bony fishes? What is the unifying trait of the Atherinomorpha? Give an example of experimentation that has been done on the medaka. What are the adaptations flying fish have for flying? What is the purpose of the swordtail’s sword? Which groups have oviparity? Which have viviparity? Where does the Death Valley pupfish live?