Too Many Exams Practical Aspect Lacking Updating Exposure to Avenues Animal Welfare GENESIS ?
General Rules Admission, Left over seats of VCI, Study Circle, Tracking Migration, Attendance Courses & Exams Small courses, Local level additions, Addition/Removal Exams, External Examination, Moderation/Grace Infrastru cture Faculty Requirement, Area, Equipment, Non Teaching & Laboratory Staff Points to Ponder
Points to Discuss Examination pattern of MCI for MBBS should be adopted. Distribution of marks per credit Elective courses be introduced, Cut out date of admission Veterinary Physiology & Biochemistry Teachers of Biostatistics and Computer Application, Biochemistry, Biotechnology Minimum of 85% attendanceTVCC 250/500 outdoor cases Tracking and study circle, Environmental Studies (4= 3+1), Re-examination, Studies beyond 10 academic years Students failed in 2 or more subjects classes Results compartment examination 7/5 days
GENERALGENERAL Attendance requirement shall be 85% with 15 working days for NCC, Co-curricular and medical Four professionals 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd of one year while 4 th of one and a half year. Practical's Internal, Theory Eternal In summer break students will go to Gaushallas or AWO recognised by state or central govt for 10 days, logistics for the students shall be borne 50% by ICAR and 50% by state govt, while for private, 50% by management and 50% by students. AUC to be submitted. No Tracking Programmes & Study Circles but Entrepreneurial Training in Internship
Yearly Schedule CalendarOldProposed Working days Sundays52 Gazetted holidays 20 Examination days 7026 Total Balance days = = =57 45 days which can be split into 35 days Summer break and 10 days Winter break 57 means 40and 17 days
Examination schedule ExamsOLDProposed First Internal20-22 days Second Internal20-22 days Preparatory Holidays + External Examination days If only annual examination (With four holidays in each + Preparatory) 26-28days Total68-74 days Days saved42-46 days 50% days can be utilized for increasing number of classes and 50% can be utilized for break
Proposed New Yearly Examination Schedule Examination% Age of Course Marks Allotted First Terminal Second Terminal Third Terminal (BEST OF TWO SHALL BE TAKEN) All terminals shall be conducted by the teacher in regular class or free period and classes shall continue uninterrupted. Final Examination : Theory=50; Practical=30 (Final theory shall be of 100marks and the weightage will be 50%.) Final Theory Examination shall be set by external examiner while practical shall be internal.
Question Paper TypeNumberTimeMarksTotal Marks Subjective questions 3/520 mts. for each 10 marks for each 30 Short questions 15/184-6 mts. for each 3 marks for each 45 ( Comprising of short notes, enumerate, equations, formulae, reasoning, labelling/drawing etc) Multiple choice mark for each 10 Fill in the blanks mark for each 15 Total100 Compartment only for maximum of two subjects only once if the attendance is not less than 60% and to be conducted within 10 days of subsequent year’s registration. Only External 100%
VCP Veterinary Clinical Practice Submit complete 10 cases each of gynaecology, surgery and medicine 30 Case presentation15 Treatment of five cases25 Viva10 Written objective question (surgery, medicine, gynaecology and lab) 20
Internship (One Year) Evaluation of Internship Attendance10 marks Presentation10 marks Viva10 marks Entrepreneurial output 20 marks Case reports30 marks Theory20 marks multiple based questions on clinical cases and managmental practices (5 each for surgery, medicine, gynaecology and managmental practices) Total100 marks RVC, Zoo, Poultry farms, Large Animal Farms, Abattoirs, Feed Industry, Milk plants, Field Hospital, Vaccine Institute for approximately days. Rest of the time students shall be attending clinics during the day time and before and after clinics they shall work in the animal farm doing deworming, feeding, fumigation, maintenance of registers and doing the entrepreneurial training
Proposed Time Table 1 st Year B.V.Sc & A.H Day1 st Period2 nd Period3 rd Period4 th Period5 th and 6 th Periods MonVety. Anatomy Vety. Biochemistry AGB VAHEE Vety. Anatomy - A Vety. Physiology– B AGB -C TueVety. Anatomy Vety. Biochemistry AGB VAHEE Vety. Anatomy - B Vety. Physiology – C AGB.- A WedVety. Anatomy Vety. Physiology AGB - Vety. Anatomy - C Vety. Physiology – A AGB- -B Thur Vety. Anatomy Vety. Physiology Vety. Biochemistry – A Vety. Anatomy - B Vety. Anatomy - A VAHEE – B Vety. Physiology.-C Fri- Vety. Physiology Vety. Biochemistry – B Vety. Anatomy - C Vety. Anatomy - B VAHEE – C Vety. Physiology- A Sat- Vety. Physiology Vety. Biochemistry – C Vety. Anatomy - A Vety. Anatomy - C VAHEE – A Vety. Physiology-B Vety. Anatomy : 4+3, Vety. Physiology : 4+2, Vety. Biochemistry : 2+1, AGB : 3+1, VAHEE : 2+1
Proposed Time Table 2 nd Year B.V.Sc & A.H Day1 st Period2 nd Period3 rd Period4 th Period5 th and 6 th Periods Mon Vety. Pathology Vety. Parasitology Vety. Microbiology Animal Nutrition Vety. Parasitology-A Vety. Pathology-B Vety. Microbiology-C Tue Vety. Pathology Vety. Parasitology Vety. Microbiology Animal Nutrition Vety. Parasitology-B Vety. Pathology-C Vety. Microbiology-A Wed Vety. Pathology Vety. Parasitology Vety. Microbiology Animal Nutrition Vety. Parasitology-C Vety. Pathology- A Vety. Microbiology-B Thur Vety. Pathology- Animal Nutrition-B Vety. Pathology-C Vety. Parasitology-A Vety. Pathology-B Vety. Microbiology-C Fri -- Animal Nutrition- C Vety. Pathology-A Vety. Parasitology-B Vety. Pathology-C Vety. Microbiology-A Sat --Animal Nutrition-A Vety. Pathology-B Vety. Parasitology-C Vety. Pathology-A Vety. Microbiology-B Vety. Pathology: 4+3, Vety. Parasitology : 3+2, Vety. Microbiology : 3+2, Animal Nutrition : 3+1
Proposed Time Table 3 rd Year B.V.Sc & A.H Day1 st Period2 nd Period3 rd Period4 th Period5 th and 6 th Periods Mon Vety. PharmacologyLPM VCP –A LPM- B VPHE -C LPT-A Vety. Pharmacology-B Tue Vety. PharmacologyLPM VCP –B LPM- C VPHE -A LPT-B Vety. Pharmacology-C Wed Vety. PharmacologyLPM VCP –C LPM- A VPHE -B LPT-C Vety. Pharmacology-A Thur Vety. PharmacologyLPM VCP –A LPM- B VPHE- Fri LPT - VCP –B LPM- C VPHE- Sat LPT - VCP –C LPM- A VPHE- Vety. Pharmacology : 4+1, Vety. Public Health : 3+1, LPT : 2+1, LPM :4+2, VCP : 0+2
Proposed Time Table 4 th Year B.V.Sc & A.H Day1 st Period2 nd Period3 rd Period4 th Period5 th and 6 th Periods Mon Vety. MedicineVCP VGO--A VSR—B Vety. Medicine -C Tue Vety. MedicineVCP VGO--B VSR—C Vety. Medicine -A Wed Vety. MedicineVCP VGO--C VSR—A Vety. Medicine -B Thur Vety. MedicineVCPVGO_ Fri VSRVCPVGO- Sat VSRVCP–_ Vety. Gynaecology : 2+1, Vety. Medicine : 4+1, Vety. Surgery : 2+1, VCP : 0+6
Subject Cr. Hrs Marks obtained Total Marks 100 Grade Points (10.0 point basis) Credit Points TheoryPractical (30) T1 (10) T2 (10) T3 (10) Best of Two Final (50) Vety. Anatomy Vety. Physiology Vety. Biochemistry Animal Genetics and Breeding Vety. and Animal Husbandry Extension Education NCC : SCCA : S Current Total Credit Hours : 23 Total credit points earned : GPA : RESULT : Passed with Grade Point Average (GPA) of 7.217/ Calculation and Recording of Grade Points First Year B.V.Sc & A.H.
ClassSubjectProposed Crd.HrsExisting Crd. Hrs 1 st year1. Vety. Anatomy Vety. Physiology & Biochemistry Animal Genetics & Breeding VAHEE nd year 1. Vety. Parasitology Vety. Microbiology Vety. Pathology Animal Nutrition rd year 1. Vety. Pharmacology Vety. Public Health LPT LPM VCP 4 th year1. Vety. Gynaecology Vety. Medicine Vety. Surgery VCP0+6*(thre e hr/cr.hrs)