The Book Thief Zusak’s tool box
Goal IDENTIFY them when reading CONNECT them to theme and meaning USE these words in speech and writing NOTE when you find them in the novel Goal
An indirect reference to a person, event, statement, theme, or work Allusions carry a connotation when readers know them; the author can say a lot by saying a little Widely and well read; independent reading Allusion
Simile vs Metaphor Simile: comparison with like or as Metaphor: comparison without like or as Simile vs Metaphor
Sensory language which allows the reader to feel, see, taste, touch, and/or hear the object of description Imagery
A concrete object which stands for an idea(s), and/or attitude(s) Flag Circle Heart Symbol
Giving a non-human thing human characteristics Personification
A humorous scene or passage which interrupts what is normally a serious and/or heavy text Designed to lighten the mood Shakespeare uses comic relief in tragedies Comic relief
A contradiction, strangeness, inconsistency between what is expected/what appears and what happens/reality Various types, of which will come later Irony
Diction: word choice and/or type of language used Denotation a word’s literal/definition meaning Connotation: a word’s social/implied meaning Diction: word choice and/or type of language used
Poetic diction Prose vs. poetry? Diction which looks like word choice which would be found in a poem Unusual syntax Abundance of figurative language Heavy concentration of literary devices Poetic diction
Synesthesia Sensory language which combines 2+ senses Red hot Frigid tone Heavy silence Synesthesia
A story which represents 2 elements: the literal and a symbol of something else Read The Pilgrim’s Progress or Animal Farm Allegory
Words that look like how they sound Hiss Sizzle Onomatopoeia
Alliteration: repetition of sounds Consonance : repetition of consonants Assonance: repetition of vowels Alliteration: repetition of sounds
Goal IDENTIFY them when reading CONNECT them to theme and meaning USE these words in speech and writing NOTE when you find them in the novel Goal