Notes: Philosophy Philosophy – love of wisdom. * The Greeks believed that philosophy begins with wonder. The questions are more important than the answers. Branches of Philosophy 1. Metaphysics – the study of reality. ** What is ultimate reality? ** Is it one thing or is it many different things? ** Can reality be grasped by the senses or is it transcendent? ** What is the mind and what is its relation to the body? 2. Epistemology – study of knowledge. ** What is knowledge? ** Is knowledge acquired exclusively through the senses or by some other means? ** How do we know that what we perceive through our senses is correct?
3. Ethics – study of right and wrong in human action. ** What is right? ** Are there any objective standards of right and wrong? ** Are moral values absolute or relative? 4. Aesthetics – the study of beauty. ** What makes a thing beautiful? ** Are there any objective standards of beauty? 5. Logic – the study of the principles of right reasoning. ** What makes an argument valid or invalid? ** What is a sound argument?
Socrates – Father of Western Philosophy. (469 – 399 B.C.) ** Devoted later life to discussions that questioned the truth about popular opinions. ** Did not have his own definition of the truth; only believed in questioning what others believed as truth. ** Wrote nothing down, so information about him comes from his students, like Plato. ** Focused on the big question: What is good and what is evil? ** Believed that if he asked enough people, he would find out the truth. ** Developed the Socratic method – trying to find truth by asking and answering questions. ** Accused and found guilty of corrupting young minds. Sentenced to death by drinking hemlock (poison).
Socrates’ approach to philosophy and its relationship to life: ** Ironic modesty (“No one is wiser than you.”) ** Questioning habit (Goal is to achieve self-knowledge.) ** Devotion to truth (“The unexamined life is not worth living.”) ** Dispassionate reason (Calm reasoning; no matter the circumstance) Famous Quotes: ** “Know thyself.” ** “The only thing I know is that I know nothing.” ** “Ignorance is the only evil.”