Birmingham Energy Savers A new kind of partnership Chris Hall – Carillion Energy Services
Background – quantifying required outcomes By ,000 fuel poor households benefiting 2.Annual CO 2 emissions reduced by 18ktonnes SMEs assisted to participate new Jobs 5.Active client function and reporting arrangements that match localised governance 6.£75m of loans 7.Landlord and health trusts actively involved
What does the market need? The Green Deal creates a new market, but; 1.Suppliers need confidence in continuity of demand 2.Consumers need confidence in both vfm and guarantees 3.Both need consistency of pricing and consistent market conditions
The BES partnership in action Partnership is expressed in Co-location Co-creation and messaging Shared commitment to social values Contractual commitments to social, environmental and economic KPIs Open book reporting
The first 75 days 0800 number established over 9,000 calls made 40 Community Organisations signed up as lead generators / ambassadors and making 1,100 e-referrals Home visits and local lead generation in targeted areas to identify vulnerable households 952 assessments scheduled Over 900 vulnerable people signed up for Affordable Warmth ECO through local referrals and home visits Work started on DECC Go Early, Fuel Poverty Action schemes (7 tower blocks, 2 schools, 5 community centres)
The first 75 days 138 person days pre-employment support 48 people into new jobs - 29 previously unemployed and 9 at risk of redundancy 4 Business Action on Homeless work placements 100+ SMEs engaged with 4 local companies contracted for assessments and 12 for insulation and heating measures
What we’ve learned Strong community support for the BES package Genuine customer interest, but poorly informed Appetite for green jobs Fragility of the supply chain and the destructive potential of the ECO market ECO market is confused and energy companies are making a range of offers “Fully Funded ECO” are scarce and need consideration
Birmingham Energy Savers A new kind of partnership Chris Hall – Carillion Energy Services