The Golden Age of Athens Athens experienced a Golden Age of trade and artistic and philosophical achievements during the 400s B.C. Pericles introduced democratic reforms and oversaw the construction of the Parthenon. 1 of 4 The Rise of Ancient Greece Section 2: Religion, Philosophy, and the Arts Ancient Greek Religious Beliefs The Greeks worshiped a family of gods known as the Twelve Olympians and built temples in their honor. Zeus was the king of the gods who resided on Mount Olympus. Various shrines were oracles, where the gods could make their wishes known through priests or priestesses.
The Search for Knowledge During Athens’s Golden Age, philosophers such as Socrates challenged people’s beliefs and ways of thinking. Socrates guided people to examine their beliefs through questions. He was forced to commit suicide for dishonoring the gods. His student Plato wrote about how to achieve an ideal society. Plato’s student Aristotle advocated the use of reason. 2 of 4 The Rise of Ancient Greece Section 2: Religion, Philosophy, and the Arts Visual and Dramatic Arts The Greeks excelled in art, architecture, and drama. The Parthenon in Athens and its sculptures and decorative scenes reflect the Greek love of balance and perfection. Greeks wrote the first dramas, both tragedies and comedies.
3 of 4 The Rise of Ancient Greece Section 2: Religion, Philosophy, and the Arts Section Reading Support Transparency Many City-States, One People The Greeks excelled in art, architecture, and drama. The Parthenon in Athens and its sculptures and decorative scenes reflect the Greek love of balance and perfection. Greeks wrote the first dramas, both tragedies and comedies. Examview QuickTake Presenter Chapter Test
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