The Classical Heritage
Introduction Greek Philosophy Roman Legacy ◦ Writers ◦ History ◦ Law ◦ Empire ◦ Latin
Greek Philosophy ◦ Plato Anti-relativistic Socrates and moral instruction The Forms or Ideas Relation to Neo-Platonists and mystics Timaeus only dialogue known direction in West
◦ Aristotle Form and matter joined Logic Ethics of moderation Science - spheres ◦ Boethius Translator of Greek philosophy Particularly Aristotle ◦ Other Greek writers not known directly in the West
◦ Major Writers Cicero Father of Eloquence – Rhetoric Importance of On Friendship Scipio’s Dream
Virgil Aeneid Dido and Love Pilgrimage and Aeneas’ journey 4 th Eclogue
Ovid Metamorphoses – source of pagan myths Amores
◦ History Livy Suetonius Sallust
◦ Law Roman Law Justinian Code
Virgil Holy Roman Empire Dante
Church Universities European lingua franca