4/14/09 BR- What is a philosopher? Today: Philosophy
Field Trip Info / Go to the Foyer Immediately after 1st period. / Be in uniform (or nicer than uniform) / No trip slip, no permission slip, no go. / Bring some $$ for lunch / Questions? / Chaperones!? / Go to the Foyer Immediately after 1st period. / Be in uniform (or nicer than uniform) / No trip slip, no permission slip, no go. / Bring some $$ for lunch / Questions? / Chaperones!?
Philosophy φιλοσοφία (philosophia), meaning "love of wisdom" / It is a reasoned approach to answering deep questions questions
What are deep questions? / What is a “good life?” / What is love? / Are people naturally bad? / What is beauty? / What is a “good life?” / What is love? / Are people naturally bad? / What is beauty?
Read, Stop, (think), and Write / Read chapter 22 on philosophy. / Make sure to complete a summary / On a piece of paper, write 3 DEEP Philosophical Questions (like the one’s presented in the chapter.) / Read chapter 22 on philosophy. / Make sure to complete a summary / On a piece of paper, write 3 DEEP Philosophical Questions (like the one’s presented in the chapter.)