Love’s Philosophy Percy Bysshe shelley
Starter Read the poem. Do you think it is written seriously or is it light-hearted entertainment? How might the woman respond to this kind of persuasion?
First Impressions The poem has a clear form. The second verse takes exactly the same pattern as the first. In pairs: How do the last lines of each verse differ from the rest of the poem? In what ways does line 8 differ from line 16? What is the effect of these shorter line on the reader?
Looking Closer Can you spot any other kinds of repeated patterns in the poem? Hint: Look at the position of the verbs and nouns. Extension: Natural forces and features are used throughout. Make a list of them and verbs that link them.
The Verbs Let’s look at the verbs. These are not words we would normally associate with rivers, mountains, etc. What associations do they have?
Personification Shelley’s choice of verbs explore human actions and feelings. This is personification. This technique ends each verse. What is the effect of the last line? Does it make you laugh – or impress you with its urgency?
Summarise In groups, agree on a summary of the poem: All of these natural things meet and mingle, therefore we should also. All things in nature mix naturally, so why shouldn’t we do the same? A divine law forces all things to blend together, so we must also do so. The forces of nature are meaningless to me unless you give in to my desires.
Now work through the poem and decide, point by point, whether you agree with Shelley’s argument. The table sheet has been started for you. Extension: Write a few sentences describing Shelley’s argument and then give your own response.
Response Look at your response sheets and see how far the writer has understood Shelley’s argument and examined it critically. Highlight the aspects.
Independent Learning Write three or more examples of nature personified showing the closeness of the two aspects. Write three or more examples of nature personified but showing the opposite. Write three or more examples of inanimate objects personified.