1. Suspicion of Disability = Obligation to seek informed parental consent to evaluate 2. Consideration of performance domains assures a “full and individual evaluation” 3. Meets “breadth of the mandate” and assures consideration of “procedural safeguards”
Suspicion of Disability = Pursue Evaluation When disability is suspected Required to pursue timely evaluation without delay Obtain informed, written parent consent
Parent informed of all relevant information Parent understands reasons for evaluation and agrees in writing Granting consent is voluntary Parent may revoke consent for evaluation
Review existing data - Include parent input Consider Performance Domains Determine need, if any, for additional assessment Present and review Procedural Safeguards Manual for Parents
Present to and review with parents Use of a summary can assist but not replace Presented in a language parents understand Not construed as consent for initial services
Consideration of Performance Domains and Comprehensive Evaluation Ensures assessment of all areas related to suspected disability Identifies all special education and related service needs Identifies needed interventions to resolve the area(s) of concern or suspected disability
Breadth of Mandate 7 Performance Domains are inclusive of the 13 Federal disability categories Assures identification of all children with disabilities who need special education Supports Iowa’s non-categorical identification of eligible individuals
Thoughtful consideration of all Performance Domains Review existing data, including parent input Use multiple methods (RIOT) Convergent data from multiple sources Rule out or evaluate each domain Evaluate when evidence of discrepancy and limited progress exists despite supplemental instruction
Formative Assessment Performance Monitoring History (family, Health, etc.) Outside Provider Reports Observations Progress toward IFSP outcomes Interviews with others Additional Student Records
Review and analyze data obtained through the Disability Suspected process Review and analyze existing data for Performance Domains that were not considered through the Disability Suspected process
All decisions regarding domains to be included as part of the evaluation need to be: ◦ based on educationally relevant data ◦ not based on opinion or conjecture ◦ based on data gathered through questions related to the standards for including the domains in the evaluation
Does existing evidence (RIOT, multiple sources) suggest; the individual’s performance is persistently below standards or expectations despite appropriate instruction and supports? the individual’s performance is significantly unique to warrant evaluation? presence or absence of other more plausible reasons (including lack of appropriate core and supplemental instruction) for the lack of performance? OR
The child is affected by a health or physical condition or functional limitation, or has experienced a sudden status change that adversely affects educational performance, or The child has an obvious and immediate need for service that may exceed the capacity of general education to provide
The level of rigor required to meet a standard of “suspicion” in a domain area is relatively low. If there is a difference of opinion among team members and the available data are unclear, it is better to err on the side of caution and evaluate the domain.
What is it? Grade level achievement standards related to: Listening comprehension Oral expression Reading comprehension Reading fluency Math calculation Mathematical problem solving Written expression
What is it? Grade level achievement standards or expectations related to: Awareness of self (e.g. identity relative to others, personal space) Identification & expression of emotions Self-regulation Interaction with others
What is it? Grade level achievement standards or expectations related to: Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Mobility for living, learning & working
What is it? General condition of the body or mind Presence or absence of illness, injury or impairments
What is it? Ability to perceive sound Ability to see
What is it? Grade level achievement standards or expectations related to receptive & expressive language, including: Language for social communication Vocabulary Speech sound production Voice Fluency
What is it? Grade level achievement standards or expectations related to: Everyday living skills School Functioning skills Skills that children learn in “adapting” to their surroundings
Digging Deeper into the Consent for FIE Form
Accuracy is important! Be sure the individual’s legal name and resident district are complete and accurate
Conversation with parents should focus on how we will meet the student’s needs Explain the purposes of evaluation: 1. Determine interventions needed to resolve concern(s) 2. Determine whether or not Special Education resources are required to address the needs
Explain the definition of an educational disability to parents A Disability is a skills deficit, a health or physical condition, a functional limitation, or a pattern of behavior that adversely affects educational performance.
Results in educational performance that is significantly & consistently different, diminished, or inappropriate when compared to the expectations for peers, AND Significantly interferes with: ◦ Access to general education settings & opportunities, ◦ Developmental progress, ◦ Involvement & progress in general curriculum, or ◦ Interpersonal relationships or personal adjustment
Explain to parents that information will be collected about: Educational Progress Educational Progress Educational Discrepancy Educational Discrepancy Educational Need Educational Need
Describe why disability is suspected
Once disability is suspected, no other option is considered
Discuss the information (documented on the Disability Suspected form) that led to conclusion that a disability is suspected Identify which performance domains will be the focus of the evaluation Identify which performance domains need additional assessment data as part of the evaluation
“Consider” ALL seven performance domains. Indicate the performance domains that are determined to be potential areas of disability and will be a focus of the evaluation
Consider the domains chosen for evaluation in the left column Of the domains checked in the left column, determine which, if any, need additional assessment
Explain the use of Review, Interview, Observation and Test/Task assessment methods to gather information in the evaluation process Will consider information to make evaluative judgments about each of the performance domains checked
60 day timeline starts when the signed consent is received by the public agency Parent or guardian signature is always required for initial evaluations Remember, Consent for Evaluation is NOT the same as consent for “services”
Not required for reviewing existing data Not required for assessments that are administered to all children When parents do not provide consent, the public agency may pursue evaluation through procedural safeguards (i.e. Due Process)
Parents revoking consent once it has been given, is not retroactive Prior Written Notice provided Eligibility Determination Worksheet completed Evaluation data collected are summarized Procedures when child is a ward of the State Procedures when child has reached the age of majority
Scenario 1 (James)
Reflection… What information really “squared up” with you today? What “point” really stuck with you today? What information is still “rolling around” in your head?