Dinora Gonzalez GSA Regional Small Business Technical Advisor RESOURCE & ADVOCATE General Services Administration Southeast Sunbelt Region 4 General Intake Number:
Doing Business With GSA via the GSA Schedules and Other Partnering Initiatives
3 As a courtesy to the class... Please turn all cell phones off, or place them on vibrate. Thank You!
4 Today’s Discussion... About GSA About the Multiple Award Schedules Program Mentor Protégé Program Finding Mentors & Teaming Partners Partnering Strategies Q&A / Summary
Regional Office of Small Business Utilization (ROSBU) Overview of Services and Support
6 11 Regional Center Locations
General Services Administration Key Player in the Federal Procurement Process
U. S. General Services Administration –The federal government’s procurement expert: Contracts with the business community for products & services in support of our customer agencies; –Manages the Multiple Award Schedules Contract Program; –The Federal Landlord of all federal buildings and courthouses –Sells / auctions surplus federal property, such as real estate and vehicles to the public.
Procurement Basics Review
Credit Card Purchase (The quickest and simplest method) Purchase Order for amounts under $150,000 (Buyer obtains at least 2 quotes) Public Bid (Long, Lengthy and Expensive process) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ): Contract which allows buyers to select from a pre-approved price list / vendors. Example: GSA Schedule Contract OR a Blanket Purchasing Agreement (BPA) Subcontract with a Prime Contractor already has a Federal Contract. Subcontract with a “Preferred” Small Business, i.e, (8(a); Alaskan Native Methods of Purchasing
11 Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Resources FAR Part 8: GSA Schedules Program FAR Part 13: Simplified Acquisition Procedures FAR Part 14: Sealed Bidding FAR Part 15: Negotiations FAR Part 19: Federal Small Business Programs
Multiple Award GSA Schedules Program
Pre-negotiated contracts where prices; contract terms; and, conditions have been agreed to in advance and are considered “fair and reasonable” by the government; Agreements between the federal Government and eligible vendors who agree to honor negotiated prices, terms and conditions IF and WHEN an agency places an order. What is a GSA Schedule Contract?
To Submit Your Offer: Download and fill out the appropriate solicitation with pricing and technical capabilities as specified by the solicitation: Go through a Past Performance Evaluation; Process takes approximately 3-6 months Contract award good for 5 years with 3 (5 years) options
Getting Started: Schedules Sales Query (SSQ) *Creates Sales Reports by: Schedule & SIN Numbers Quarter and Fiscal Years Your Competitors Total 11 Reports National Customer Service Center
Participation Criteria Sales –$25,000 in sales per year (or show potential) Registration / Certification –Central Contract Registration: –Duns & Bradstreet: www.dnb.com –Online Representations and Certifications: Experience / Performance History –Open Ratings ( Accept Credit Card as payment
What if you need help? Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (listed by State) OR - FREE COUNSELING
Initiating Partnering Opportunities for Small Business
Benefits and Challenges Type BenefitsChallenges Subcontracting New Opportunities Past Performance Not Always Required Learn from others expertise Break into new markets Mentor Protégé Identifying Primes Getting Credit for Work Second Hand Payments Growing into Prime Teaming Both serve as Prime Vendors usually decide terms One solution but separate pay Break into new markets Learn from others Deciding who leads Agreeing on Process Knowing the rules for each kind of teaming Bad association is possible (if partner performs poorly) Joint Venture Joint Past Performance Limited Partnership Prep Process Provides better positioning Sharing cost Shared Resources Limited Partnership Time and Effort Upfront and Future Cost Extensive rules regarding “Affiliation” for various SDB’s, 8(a)’s, SDVOSB’s, etc Legal and Accounting Support recommended
26 Federal Subcontracting Program
Section 8(d) Small Business Act: Offers exceeding $650,000 ($1,500,000 for construction) Requires the apparent successful offeror to negotiate a subcontracting plan acceptable to the contracting officer Not Required from small business concerns FAR Requires “Good Faith Efforts” on behalf of the Prime Contractor. Establish procedures to ensure timely payment to its subcontractors Statutory Requirements
Small Business Liaison Officer (SBLO) Program Administrator: General overall responsibility for the contractors subcontracting program to include: –Developing, preparing, and executing the Prime’s subcontracting plan; –Monitoring vendor performance &
29 Teaming Arrangements Allows you to offer your schedule contract items/services, while combining the items/services of another schedule contractor Different than subcontracting arrangement. Benefits –Ability to combine individual capabilities –Marketability: Provide Total Solution –Sharing of risks and rewards
Mentor Protégé Program 30
Mentor Protégé Program GSA Mentor-Protégé Program was officially established on September 14, 2009 Under the Mentor-Protégé Program, eligible small businesses can act as suppliers; provide services or be subcontractors for any Mentor with an approved contracting vehicle and a subcontracting plan negotiated with GSA 31
Eligibility Requirements For Mentors Mentors can be either Large or Small Businesses Mentor must have either a GSA Schedule or an active GSA contracting vehicle (BPA, GWAC, etc.) Large Businesses must be performing under an approved subcontracting plan (not applicable if Mentor is a Small Business) Have capability and capacity to Mentor Must be eligible for the Award of Federal contracts Not listed on the “Excluded Parties List” 32
Eligibility Requirements For Protégés Protégé must be a small business according to the SBA size standards in the North American Industrial Codes (NAICs) Mentorship would be constructive and practical Be eligible for the award of Federal contracts Not listed in the “Excluded Parties” List System Not barred from participation in Mentor-Protégé Programs 33
Program Details GSA DOES NOT MATCH - Mentors and protégés must select each other for the program Mentors are permitted to have more than one Protégé in the Program at one time (A separate Mentor-Protégé Agreement must be submitted for each Mentor-Protégé relationship) Protégés are allowed to only have one Mentor while in the Program at a time The GSA Mentor-Protégé Program is a non-credit, non-reimbursable program GSA will not provide the Mentor firm with monetary reimbursement for the cost of developmental assistance incurred supporting the Protégé firm 34
Application Requirements All Mentor-Protégé Applications must contain the following to be considered for approval: –A signed Mentor-Protégé Application (GSA Form 3695) –A signed Mentor-Protégé Agreement –Protégé Needs Assessment performed by the Mentor Firm (recommended) Applications will be evaluated for approval by the Mentor- Protégé Program Manager based on the extent to which the Mentor plans to provide developmental assistance to the Protégé 35
Application Process Mentor identifies a potential Protégé Mentor enters into a Mentor-Protégé Agreement with Protégé Mentor submits application – The approval process takes approximately 30 business days Acceptance into Program – After the application has been reviewed and approved, the Program Manager will alert the Mentor firm, in writing, as well as provide them with an Acceptance Letter that can be used in proposals and to market to potential customers 36
Anthony Eiland Mentor Protégé Program Manager (202) GSA’S MENTOR PROTÉGÉ PROGRAM
Locating Partnering Opportunities Reach out to GSA MAS contractors through the Schedules eLibrary Database – Large businesses have a subcontracting requirements Review Awarded Contractors on Fedbizops Select Reputable Business Development Database Services, i.e, Small Business Conferences
Helpful Guidance Put everything in writing –Consider Rotating Prime Representation Length of Commitment Terms and Conditions for Exiting the Partnership Check in often to make sure both sides are experiencing success– re-evaluate the partnership every 6 months to a year to make sure you continue to grow and prosper Consider building a relationship through small projects Determine value add – both sides should benefit from the partnership
Locating Buyers Federal Procurement Data System: FEDBIZOPPS: Federal Acquisition Jumpstart: Procurement and acquisition sites by contracting activity: (Goggle it)
Locating Buyers: Tracks prime contracts awarded and the names of subcontractors that have been awarded federal contracts from prime contractors along with the dollar amounts they have received. Allows public to track the extent to which subcontractors are carrying out the work originally secured by prime contractors..
Getting Started: Schedules Sales Query (SSQ) *Creates Sales Reports by: Schedule & SIN Numbers Quarter and Fiscal Years Your Competitors Total 11 Reports National Customer Service Center
Important Sources of Support 43 Small Business Administration: Procurement Commercial Reps (PCR’s) SBA provides business counseling, training and business development specialists providing free and low-cost services in your area U-ASK-SBA ( ) The Association of Procurement Technical Assistance Centers PTACs are dedicated to assisting businesses seeking to compete successfully in federal, state and local government contracting. Federal OSBU Agency Offices The Small Business Act as amended by Public Law established the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business (OSDBU) to promote the maximum practicable use of all designated small business categories within the Federal Acquisition process.
to access the Agency’s: Procurement Forecast Points of Contact & Small Business Events Sub-Contracting Opportunities For a listing of all the OSDBU’s: Regional Office of Small Business Utilization Southeast Sunbelt Region 4
Important Sources of Support 45
Website Shortcuts
That’s all folks... It’s been a pleasure serving you!
GSA, Southeast Sunbelt Region W. Peachtree Street, Suite 2700 Atlanta, GA Office: / Regional Office of Small Business Utilization (ROSBU)
Determine your NAICS code The North American Industry Classification Systems (NAICS) (Pronounced NAKES) What is it? A 5-6 digit number that identifies your product, service or industry. It also determines size standards. All vendors must use the appropriate NAICS code for the product or service they want to offer. Phone: INFO (4636)
Determine your Business Size NAICS Code Business Category Size Standard In Millions of $ Size Standard in number of employees 23622Commercial/ Institutional Construction $ Roofing Contractors $ Admin/Mgmt Consultant $ Information Technology Resellers 150
Registration Sites: Central Contract Registration: Duns & Bradstreet: www.dnb.com Online Representations and Certifications: If you are a veteran: Certifications (Not mandatory):
Basic on-line Registration All Companies Desiring to work with the Federal government should at the very least complete these registrations. Dun and Bradstreet (D & B) www.dnb.com Central Contract Registration (CCR) –Dynamic Business Search (Update Annually) Online Representations and Certifications Small Business Certifications (optional)
Basic on-line Registration All Companies Desiring to work with the Federal government should at the very least complete these registrations. Dun and Bradstreet (D & B) www.dnb.com Central Contract Registration (CCR) –Dynamic Business Search (Update Annually) Online Representations and Certifications For Veterans:
Find Bidding Opportunities FEDBIZOPPS: Opportunities over $25,000 are posted on this website or Click on “Find Business Opportunities” on top left hand banner Search by Agency; NAICS Code; Date; Dollar Amt; Small Business Category, etc.
Features of GSA Schedule Contract: Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) contracts; Appropriate only for off-the-shelf” type commercial items; 5 year basic with 3 five-year option periods; Non-Bid Contract: Vendors can apply for a GSA Schedule Contract by filling out and submitting the appropriate “Schedule” solicitation. Contract issued to vendors who meet eligibility requirements and offer fair market pricing. Process takes approximately 3-6 months
57 Economic Price Adjustments (EPA) Prices must be held for twelve months from date of award; Thereafter, adjustable 3 times each 12 months per contract up to max of 10%; We always encourage lower prices; prices can always be lowered during adjustable period.
Past Performance Evaluations are completed through a private contractor called Open Ratings Inc. There is a fee of $ Open Ratings will survey your customers and assign a score to your company according to the customer’s reply. This score will be used to compare your past performance with others. Performance Review
Open Ratings Report 1. Overall, how satisfied do you feel about the performance of this company during this transaction? 2. How reliably do you think this company follows through on its commitments? 3. How closely did your final total costs correspond to your expectations at the beginning of the transaction? 4. How well do you think the product/service delivered matched your order specifications? 5. How satisfied do you feel about the timeliness of the product/service delivery? 6. How satisfied do you feel about the quality of the product/service provided by this company?
7. How easy do you think this company is to do business with? 8. How satisfied do you feel about the attitude, courtesy, and professionalism of this company’s staff? 9. How satisfied do you feel about the customer support you received from this company? 10 How responsive do you think this company was to information requests, issues, or problems that arose in the course of the transaction? 11. What is the average purchase amount you made with this supplier in the past 12 months? (US$) 12. How long have you been doing business with this company? Open Ratings Report
GSA Also Considers.... Past Projects: For Services: Must describe three completed projects Commerciality-Products and Services Must have an established catalog or list price Must have been sold in sufficient quantities to the general public
Executive & Other Federal Agencies Mixed-Ownership Government Corporation (FDIC, Federal Home Loan Banks, etc.) The District of Columbia Cost Reimbursable Government Contractors authorized in writing by a Federal agency (48 CFR 51.1) State and Local Government for Information Technology ONLY (Cooperative Purchasing ) Who Are your Customers?