Pronunciation=(A)chieve) (A)chieving) (A)chieves). Vocabulary Word=Achieve (Verb) Meaning=To bring to successful conciliation and to gain as by hard work effort=to achieve. Example sentences= They can achieve more by working together than they could if they worked independently. Pronunciation=(A)chieve) (A)chieving) (A)chieves). Synonym= accomplish, . Antonym= fail
Word=Invest(Verb) Meaning=To spend or deport for future advantage or benefit :invest much time and energy in getting a good education. Example sentences=We have to invest for our future goal. Pronunciation=(In-VEST-ed) (In-VEST-ing) (In-VESTS) Synonym= Antonym=
Word=philosophy(noun) Meaning= the love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self discipline. A system of thought based on or involving such inquiry :the philosophy of Hume-and deep think. Example sentences = My philosophy is live, learn, laugh, love for as long as you can; life is too short to be wasted. Pronunciation=(phi-LOS-o-phy) (phi-LOS-o-phyes) Synonym = Logic system Antinomy=