Population Density in Japan: Life in a Crowded Country A Battani, Bowman, and Gallina Production.


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Presentation transcript:

Population Density in Japan: Life in a Crowded Country A Battani, Bowman, and Gallina Production

Preview Video


BIG IDEA There are many ways to adapt to an environment.

Essential Question How does Population density affect the way people live in Japan? Think: transportation, housing, land use, and health/environment

Exploring Population Densities  Students made a prediction about the current world population.  We showed the current population on the World’s Population Clock.  Discussed that the world population will be at 7 billion by the end of  Watched the National Geographic 7 billion video.

Exploring Population Densities  After the 7 billion video, students headed down to the computer lab.  They were given a website ulation/play_population/ and a guided exploration. ulation/play_population/ ulation/play_population/  Students explored different aspects of the website; took quizzes, simulated the population, and looked at data about people their age, and discovered!

Exploring Population Densities

Preview Activity

Students Reaction to Preview

Preview Activity Wrap up  After the activity we had a classroom discussion on how population density might impact each of the 3 countries, and how it differs amongst them.  We read sections with the students, and assigned “Geoterms 31.”

Preview Activity Wrap up

Guided Highlighted Read  Introduced crowding in Japan with YouTube Videos  Did a Guided Highlighted Read on Sections  Assigned Reading Notes 31

Guided Highlighted Reading

Guided Highlighted Read

Topic Review: Graffiti and Round About activities  Students were put into groups of 4 they had to do a Graffiti activity on how population density affects Japan in one of the 4 sectors: Transportation, Housing, Land use, or Heath and Environment.  Students then did a Gallery Walk to observe each other’s work.

Topic Review: Graffiti and Round About activities

 Then the students did a Round About activity. Each student became an expert on one part of Japanese life that is affected by overcrowding: Transportation, Housing, Land use, Health and Environment  Then the students rotated papers and each expert filled in their portion of the paper until everyone had a completed paper.

Topic Review: Graffiti and Round About activities

Summative Assessment  Every student took a multiple choice assessment on the reading.  They then had a choice to answer the essential question: Choice 1 (For the Writers)- You can write a detailed ESSAY answering the above question in the complete sentences. You need to provide examples and information for each category. Choice 2 (For the Artists)- You can CREATE/DRAW a scene of Japanese life answering the essential question. You need to provide examples for each category. Write a caption for each of your drawings.

Summative Assessment

Credits  Thank you E3T Team!!! JMS 7 th Grade Students