Recommendation and actions EUSO EUSO-BALLOON FLIGHT REVIEW, , CNES TOULOUSE Guillaume Prévôt APC, Paris Wrap up previous actions
4 actions and 1 recommendation from the CDR 4 major actions (2 for EUSO, 2 for CNES) and 1 recommendation (for the EUSO- Balloon project) have been proposed and accepted. For EUSO : o RECOMMENDATION 1: PERFORMANCE BUDGET First version delivered June, the 18 th (based on an estimation of the performance of each sub-subsystem measurable parameters) Second version delivered October, the 23 rd (based on the degradation by global parameters of the JEM EUSO energy reconstruction) o ACTION 3: MECHANICAL AND EXTERNAL INTERFACES KEY POINT Done. We took 8 actions (all done). We produced the minutes of the KP: EUSO-KPM- INST-012-APC_V1. We updated and sent the mechanical Definition and the mechanical Interfaces Documents. We produced a document about the compliance of EUSO to the Balloon user manual requirements: EUSO-MOM CNS. o ACTION 4: writing of an user manual / operability document expected for the delivery review Done. We delivered this document for this review, with the others. 2 The EUSO-BALLOON wrap up of actions RAV –
3 recommendations from the Performance Review 3 recommendations for the EUSO-Balloon project have been proposed and accepted. For EUSO : o RECOMMENDATION 1: PERFORMANCE BUDGET TO BE COMPLETED See presentation. The document is going to be delivered asap. o RECOMMENDATION 2: PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBLE The performance responsible is Peter von Ballmoos. o RECOMMENDATION 3: OPERATIONNAL TESTS BEFORE TIMMINS (LOT, TURIN) N/A 3 The EUSO-BALLOON wrap up of actions RAV –
List of the anomalie’s forms written LVPS-DP: EUSO-INST-ANA-040-APC LVPS-PDM: EUSO-INST-ANB-041-APC PDM Board FPGA & PROM damaged: EUSO-INST-ANC-042-APC EC-Unit #1 short circuit: EUSO-INST-AND-043-APC EC-Unit spare PCB: EUSO-INST-ANE-044-APC EC-Unit central screw: EUSO-INST-ANF-045-APC HVPS burned: EUSO-INST-ANG-046-APC Spiders: EUSO-INST-ANH-047-APC Diffractive Fresnel lens L2: EUSO-INST-ANI-048-APC 4 The EUSO-BALLOON wrap up of actions RAV –
Conclusion 5 4 major actions and 1 recommendation have been issued by the CDR steering committee, 2 major actions and 1 recommendation were issued for the EUSO- BALLOON team. All are closed. 3 recommendations from the Performance Review. 1 is closed, 1 is N/A, 1 is upon to be closed. 8 anomalies' forms transmitted The EUSO-BALLOON wrap up of actions RAV –