A Separate Peace John Knowles
Pop Quiz Sheet of paper with MLA heading 1.) Knowles based many of the characters on ________________. 2.) What particular audience does Knowles write for? (young adult, college students, etc.) 3.) Give 1 example of how the war brought change to the American economy and lifestyle listed within the text.
Answers (2 points each) 1.) Knowles based many of the characters on ________________. Former classmates (p. 10) 2.) What particular audience does Knowles write for? (young adult, college students, etc.) “he does not write with a particular audience in mind” (p. 9) 3.) Give 1 example of how the war brought change to the American economy and lifestyle listed within the text. Created jobs, attended rallies, bought war bonds, conserved fuel and rubber, victory gardens, etc. (p. 11)
John Knowles What do we know about him? Born in 1926 in Fairmont, West Virginia Love of New England stems from his experiences as a student at Phillips Exeter Academy Went into the military after he graduated from high school (WWII) Wrote ASP, first published in England in 1959 and the United States in 1960
How was ASP received? Won the William Faulkner Award Won the Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Foundation Award. Adapted for the screen and made into a movie Today, A Separate Peace is standard reading in many high schools.
Time and Place WWII: Tension between America joining Allies and remaining neutral Pearl Harbor: draft age lowered to 18 Changes to the economy and lifestyle Although WWII didn’t take place on American soil how did people experience the repercussions of war?
Novel Setting Devon School Boarding School or Preparatory School Live on campus Philosophy or motto Very competitive All boys New Hampshire 1942
Main Characters “ Gene Forrester - The narrator and protagonist of the novel. When A Separate Peace begins, Gene is in his early thirties, visiting the Devon School for the first time in years” (Sparknotes). “ Phineas/Finny - Gene’s classmate and best friend. Finny is honest, handsome, self-confident, disarming, extremely likable, and the best athlete in the school; in short, he seems perfect in almost every way” (Sparknotes).
Flashback Takes the narrative back in time from the current point Used to create suspense in a story, or develop a character
Narration Gene is the narrator Uses first person narrative: one who is a character in the novel as well as the storyteller or “voice” that describes what happens Only hear Gene’s thoughts What are the positives and negatives of first person narrative? first-person narrators may be subject to errors in judgment
Trailer tSyi3Gc tSyi3Gc
Pre-reading Discussion How does competition bring out the best and worst in people? Describe your relationship with your closest friend Have3 you ever made a rash decision that jeopardized the friendship? When you and your friend have a disagreement, how do you end it and go about repairing the friendship?
Pre-reading Discussion Examine your approach to life. Do you view life as a serious endeavor or a game? What aspects of life do you view most seriously or consider the most important? Analyze your feelings toward war and serving in the military. Do you feel that war is necessary at times or something to be avoided at all costs? Do you feel that it is your duty to enlist and serve in the military?