EDU 397I Managing Time and Paper
Managing Time and Paper (1) Before School Begins (I) Anticipatory Set Bluebook (Chapter 1) Secondary Field Experience Managing Time and Paper Before School Begins Basal Series/District 2 Standards Kodaly Method Guitar (A & E) Group Music Integration Unit Planning (if time) For next Monday: Read Classroom Management (Chap. 2) and Preparing for the School Year (Chapter 3), Kodaly measures, GMIU, Guitar A & E
Anticipatory Set Bluebook (practice) Name three of the six things from Chapter 1 that you can do in five minutes or less… When you are done, hand in your bluebook and take a look at that first chapter…
Managing Time and Paper Calendar Lists (Master and daily) Office Music Library In Rehearsal Uniforms/Robes Track Everything…
Before School Begins First Year Philosophy (P.O.P.) Create Discipline Plan Handbook (p. 25) Meeting w/ Administration (Schedule) First Purchases Student class lists/previous programs First teacher meeting (food/music stickers) Personal visits to teachers and staff Setting up Classroom
Basal Series/District 2 Handbook Making Music (Silver Burdett) Making Music (Silver Burdett) Music Connection (Silver Burdett) Music Connection (Silver Burdett) Spotlight on Music (McGraw-Hill) Music Expressions (Warner Brothers) District 2 has just received a federal grant to replace your old basal series. You are on the selection committee. You will be making a presentation to the School Board regarding your recommendation. Review the materials and present both positive and negative aspects of each series.
Guitars Individual notes – each fret represents one half step A (tonic) and E (dominant) chords
Group Music Integration Unit Planning –Theme –Grade Level, Responsibilities –Assistance in Lesson Plan Format –Assistance in Teaching Models –Title Page, Table of Contents, Format, Integrated technology
“In a world of peace and love, music would be the universal language.” Henry David Thoreau