Please take out a sheet of paper and prepare a written reflection for sharing and submission: WHO AM I? Share something about your history, your gifts and talents, your challenges and limitations, your hopes and goals, as well as what you expect from this course. As we wait to begin class…
“Who am I?” With your ‘elbow partner:’ 1. Introduce yourself, 2. Share from which school you came, 3. Highlight elements of your written response. You will have five minutes With a person in front or behind you:’ 1. Introduce yourself, 2. Share from which school you came, 3. Highlight elements of your written response. You will have five minutes
The mission of the WCDSB: As disciples of Christ, we seek to educate and nurture hope in all learners to realise their full potential to transform God’s world. Think – Pair – Share: 1. What might this mean to you? 2. How might it look if you were ‘transforming God’s world?’ You will have five minutes, prepare to give feedback to the whole class.
The mission of the WCDSB… So it could be said that you are successful in this school community when (learning goal): I can… So it could be said that you know you can…when (success criteria): I do… Take ten minutes with your partner and create a learning goal and success criteria.
The mission of the WCDSB… So it could be said that you are successful in this school community when (learning goal): I can make good choices based on my faith/moral compass in order to serve God and the community. So it could be said that you know you can…when (success criteria): I know what God asks of me; I know what gifts God gives to me; I know what it means to love God and others.
The focus of ‘Church & Culture’… This course has the aim of assisting students in understanding themselves as moral persons living the way of Christ through an examination of ethical theories, the revelation of sacred Scripture, and the experience and teaching of the Catholic Church. While grounded in Revelation, the course also examines the contributions of philosophy and the sciences to a Catholic understanding of ethics and moral living. Students will explore their own ethical and moral stance through an examination of various arenas of life such as issues of justice and peace, freedom, reconciliation, family, marriage, and political life. This course is intended to prepare the senior student for the lifelong task of discerning what is good and of God while growing in their ability to live accordingly as moral persons and active, life-giving members of a global society.
The focus of ‘Church & Culture’… This course has the aim of assisting students in understanding themselves as moral persons living the way of Christ through an examination of ethical theories, the revelation of sacred Scripture, and the experience and teaching of the Catholic Church. While grounded in Revelation, the course also examines the contributions of philosophy and the sciences to a Catholic understanding of ethics and moral living. Students will explore their own ethical and moral stance through an examination of various arenas of life such as issues of justice and peace, freedom, reconciliation, family, marriage, and political life. This course is intended to prepare the senior student for the lifelong task of discerning what is good and of God while growing in their ability to live accordingly as moral persons and active, life-giving members of a global society.
This course has the aim of assisting students in understanding themselves asmoral persons living the way of Christ through an examination of ethical theories, the revelation of sacred Scripture, and the experience and teaching of the Catholic Church. While grounded in Revelation, the coursealso examines the contributions of philosophy and the sciences to a Catholicunderstanding of ethics and moral living. Students will explore their ownethical and moral stance through an examination of various arenas of lifesuch as issues of justice and peace, freedom, reconciliation, family, marriage, and political life. This course is intended to prepare the senior student for the lifelong task of discerning what is good and of God while growing in their ability to live accordingly as moral persons and active, life-giving membersof a global society. Please define… Moral: Ethical: Revelation: Scripture: Justice and Peace: Freedom: Reconciliation: Family: Marriage: Political Life: Global Society:
Applying the terms… Consider the case of Ukraine; in partners, discuss ‘what do we know’: Who What Where When Why How
The case of Ukraine… When selecting and assigning credibility to a news source, consider bias and agenda: location, demography, desired audience, pecuniary benefits, editorial composition, etc. As you are able, scan the internet or download a news app(s) and find two or more articles that describe the situation in Ukraine. Assess them for bias and add to your 5 “W’s.”
The case of Ukraine… Read two or so articles and prepare to support or oppose the statements posted on the board using appropriate evidence. The global community should intervene militarily in Ukraine. The global community should not intervene militarily in Ukraine. Ukraine’s people should have a right to choose their own statehood. Ukraine’s people should not have a right to choose their own statehood.
The case for Ukraine… Without talking, add your comments to the board and move on to the next station. When you have made comments on all four stations, return to your desk and prepare to use the 4A’s to discuss.
The case for Ukraine… How might (or might not) the following terms be applied to the discussion: Moral: Ethical: Revelation: Scripture: Justice and Peace: Freedom: Reconciliation: Family: Marriage: Political Life: Global Society: