Photography Gordon Parks
Gordon Parks Was a Photographer
Biography Gordon Parks was born the youngest in 1912 in Kansas to a poor, African-American family of 15 children. His mom never let him use his race as an excuse because she had very high expectations for him. She always believed that Black people were equal to White People.
A Hard Life His mom passed away when he was young, so he went to live with his older sister. His sister’s husband kicked him out because they didn’t like each other. He slept in trolley cars, hung around pool halls, worked as a piano player, and was a waiter on a luxury train.
Gordon Parks He bought his first camera when he was 26, when he saw some pictures in a magazine about poor workers. Photo by Dorthea Lange
Time Line 1912 1930s 1950s 1960s 1970s 2006
Gordon Parks He is most famous for his portraits. This one is his most famous. Does it remind you of another art work? American Gothic, 1943
American Gothic by Gordon Parks, 1942 American Gothic by Grant Wood, 1930
Gordon Parks He endured much racism, but he never forgot what his mom told him. He got a job doing fashion photography for Vogue magazine Paris, 1950
Gordon Parks He liked photographing beautiful models in beautiful places, but he wanted to tell stories with his camera. Ingrid Bergman, 1949
Gordon Parks One of the stories he wanted to tell was that of the poor. Beggar Woman and Child, Estoril, Portugal, 1950
Department Store Birmingham, Alabama, 1956 Gordon Parks He also wanted to show racial discrimination and injustice during the Civil Rights Movement. Department Store Birmingham, Alabama, 1956
Malcolm X Addressing Black Muslim Family Rally in Chicago, 1963 Malcolm X was a leader during the Civil Rights Movement. They became great friends. Malcolm X Addressing Black Muslim Family Rally in Chicago, 1963
Time Line 1912 1930s 1950s 1960s 1970s 2006
Gordon Parks He also told stories of other African-Americans during a America’s cultural revolution. Muhammad Ali, 1970
Gordon Parks He did everything from photography to writing, music, and making movies. Shaft, 1971
When he was old, he started making abstract photography and paintings. Gordon Parks When he was old, he started making abstract photography and paintings. He passed away in March 2006. A Memory, 1993
It’s Art using a camera and film. What is Photography? It’s Art using a camera and film.
Photography In photography, the camera is like the paintbrush, and the film is like the paper
Photography When the camera put the picture on the film, it makes a negative. The real picture shows up when you print it on paper.
Composition In Art, it’s important to think about where to put everything in a picture. Artists use the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design to compose an image.
Elements of Art Photography has: Line Form Space Value Color
Photography has Lines Line is a dot that moves from one point to another
What kind of lines do you see here? Photography has Lines What kind of lines do you see here? Photo by Gordon Parks
Photography has Form Form is a 3D closed area.
What kind of form do you see? Photography has Form What kind of form do you see?
Space is the area around Photography has Space Space is the area around Photo by Andy Goldsworthy
Photography has Value Value is light and dark. The Fontanelle Family Bessie and Kenneth, Little Richard, Norman Jr. and Ellen at the Poverty Board in New York City, 1967
Photography has Color
Photo by Gordon Parks, 1962
Principles of Design Photography uses: Emphasis Movement
Photography uses Emphasis Emphasis is the strongest area of the composition where all the attention goes Ethel Shariff in Chicago, 1963
Photography uses Movement How can a photographer create Movement? Photo By Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1932
Conclusion Photography is a new Art form Gordon Parks was a Photographer who “painted” important stories during important times during American History He used the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design to create is Photographs