2014 - 2015. State Definition of AIG Students, Article 9B (N.C.G.S. § 115C-150.5) Academically or intellectually gifted (AIG) students perform or show.


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Presentation transcript:

State Definition of AIG Students, Article 9B (N.C.G.S. § 115C-150.5) Academically or intellectually gifted (AIG) students perform or show the potential to perform at substantially high levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experiences or environment. Academically or intellectually gifted students exhibit high performance capability in intellectual areas, specific academic fields, or in both the intellectual areas and specific academic fields. Academically or intellectually gifted students require differentiated educational services beyond those ordinarily provided by the regular educational program. Outstanding abilities are present in students from all cultural groups, across all economic strata, and in all areas of human endeavor.

 In North Carolina, state legislation mandates that public schools identify and serve academically or intellectually gifted (AIG) K-12 students. Each LEA determines how to identify and serve its own AIG student population. This honors local context and supports each LEA to do what is best for its own AIG student population. LEAs must adhere to state legislation, which guides LEAs and defines academically or intellectually gifted students (see below), and also use the NC AIG Program Standards, adopted July 2009, as a guide in the development of local AIG programs. The SBE approved NC AIG Program Standards provides a statewide framework for quality programming, while honoring local context.

 An LEA's policies and practices regarding its local AIG program are developed through the writing of a local AIG plan. This AIG plan is approved by the local board of education and submitted to State Board of Education/DPI for comment. DPI assists LEAs with their local AIG program and plan but does not approve local plans. Per state legislation, AIG plans must be revised every three years by the LEA. In , LEAs revised their local AIG plans and programs with the guidance of DPI. Current local AIG plans will be revised and resubmitted in July 2013.

 Student Identification  Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction  Personnel and Professional Development  Comprehensive Programming with a total school community  Partnerships with stakeholders in the program in planning and implementation of the AIG plan  Program accountability

 ACADEMICALLY OR INTELLECTUALLY GIFTED  CONTACT  Sneha Shah-Coltrane, Director, Gifted Education and Advanced Programs Sneha Shah-Coltrane  g/academicservices/gifted/

 Dr. Lynn Warren – Director of Special Programs and Projects  Karen Foushee-Cameron District AIG Lead Teacher

 Mary Lunney, chair  Beth Rives  Courtney Quinn  Melanie Altman  Beth Backus  Samantha Scott  George Beasley  June Wicker  Andrea Sloan  Anne Beal

 Revised Spring of 2013  AIG Advisory Council  Surveys to students, parents, and educators  Subcommittees: ◦ Parent Communication ◦ Review of the Lee County AIG Plan Reviewed by the Curriculum and Instruction Committee Board of Education adopted June 11, 2013

 Begins with teachers observing students for gifted characteristics using the Teacher’s Observation of Potential in Students (TOPS) form  Categories include: Learns Easily Show Advanced Skills Displays Curiosity &Creativity Has Strong Interests Shows Advanced Reasoning & Problem Solving Displays Spatial Abilities Show Motivation Shows Social Perceptiveness Displays Leadership

Primary Education Thinking Skills (PETS) Materials have been purchased for each grade level K-3. Begins with whole class activities to introduce the thinking skill. Then students are organized in flexible groups so that students may be nurtured in areas of strength as well as receive interventions in areas of need.

Beginning of the school year Renzulli checklists given to teachers. January CogAT test data Team meets to analyze data End of Third Quarter Grade averages and Renzulli checklists completed and team meets to analyze data. EOG data Final decision

 AIG Identification Criteria  Measuring Tool Score Points Weighting  Student Achievement  EOG 95 th -100 th Percentile 25 25%  88 th -94 th Percentile 20  80 th -87 Percentile 15   Student Aptitude  CogAT90 th -99 th Percentile2525%  *Use the Age Score %85 th -89 th Percentile20  80 th -84 th Percentile15   Student Performance  Grades %    *Use third quarter averages  Observable Student Behaviors  Renzulli AIG 9 very high %  Checklist of high  Displayed  Characteristics  Total 100%  Range to qualify  points. 

 4 th & 5 th grade AIG cluster classes -Directly served in regular classrooms with formally identified students and grade level peers -Jacob’s Ladder materials created by The College of William & Mary -students will be taught Common Core in reading and math -students will be expected to work 1-2 years beyond grade level in the core areas of reading and mathematics

Each year the School AIG Team should review the progress of each student based on the performance assessment for the differentiated service options as outlined in the measurable objectives aligned with the core curriculum. Usually, annual reviews will occur at the end of the school year. However, reviews may be conducted as needs arise for intervention and IDEP consideration. If a Differentiated Education Plan (DEP) is not meeting the needs of a student and a more specific individual plan is needed, an Individual Differentiated Education Plan (IDEP) should be developed to support student growth. The purpose of the Annual Review is not to re-evaluate the student by taking him/her through the entire identification process. If the student is performing satisfactorily, complete the AIG 17 Yearly Performance Review of Progress indicating services to be continued and notify parents.

 Survey results reflect that this is an area which needs to be improved.  Examples of how we will communicate with you: ◦ Parent Conferences ◦ , notes, phone calls ◦ Progress Reports ◦ Parent meetings

 At this time Or  At an individual parent conference

 Sign up to be placed on a communication list

 Rising sixth graders  Two weeks in June  8:00 – 12:00 at one of the middle schools  Parents provide transportation  Optional Washington, D.C. trip

 Registration for camp is around $  If you are interested in your child going on the Washington, D.C. trip start saving now. The trip in June 2013 was $  More information will be provided for this year’s fifth graders in September.

 “Once the child is admitted, performance is always more important than the entry criterion or score. ”