WARRANTED HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVEMENTS: Development, Benefits and Risks
What Warranties Are Not Guarantee of defect free pavement Throwing away the spec book A way to get rid of DOT employees
What Warranties Are Guarantee of good performance Incentive for quality construction Incentive for innovation
Incentive for Good Performance Current Specifications written to push the contractor towards “good performance” Warranty Specifications define what good performance is
“The Contract Specifications Were Met” Definition of Success
BENEFIT OF WARRANTY Success = Performance Non-Confrontational Construction Innovation Rewarded
Assigning Risk “Who has control of an item?” Contractor? then contractor assumes risk of poor performance. Agency? then agency maintains risk of poor performance.
DOT Responsibilities Structure Quantities Time Unit Cost Condition Survey
Contractor Responsibilities Materials Mix Design Process Control Remediation Plans
Industry Benefits Liability “Raises the bar” Improves competition with pcc Builder sets own specs No approvals required
Agency Benefits People loss Improves probability of good performance Less confrontation
FN = 24
Correlation of Friction Number to Macro-texture Depth
HURDLES Agency –“What I want is a guarantee of performance –“... And by the way, I want to keep the specifications we have because they are a good set of specs. We have tuned them to cover all situations. –“... besides, I need a hammer to control poor (out-of-state) contractors.”
HURDLES Contractor –“What I want is for the agency to get out of my hair –“... don’t shut me down –“... and I want to get paid for every ton I put down.”
WHAT’S IN IT For the Agency –Performance
WHAT’S IN IT For the Contractor –Freedom in exchange for performance
BENEFITS Success = Performance Risk Balanced Innovation Rewarded Non-Confrontational Construction
SHORT TERM 3 to 5 years Focuses attention on manufacturing and placement details Minimal opportunity for innovation
LONG TERM Shifts focus from construction Innovative materials Maintenance techniques
WARRANTIES Improve performance Require change Worth it? You Decide