Illinois Mercury Thermostat Collection Act
4/30/10 - Passed out of both houses Next step – Gets sent to Governor No opposition
Third year we’ve proposed legislation. NGO support Product Stewardship Institute project.
Disposal Ban Universal Waste Contractor Requirements – Must remove and recycle thermostats beginning 7/1/11 No contractor or person can remove any mercury thermostat unless they deliver it to a collection location Can get collection containers if in a metro area with 7 technicians/installers or if they are in a rural area
Must be a collection point beginning 7/1/11 Can’t sell or distribute ANY thermostats if they don’t participate Have to distribute outreach materials to customers
1/1/11 through 12/31/13 – Create PSA and give to Agency Establish and maintain website with educational materials for contractors and wholesalers Contact wholesalers at least once a year to encourage their support and participation in educating customers on importance of and statutory requirements Create and maintain a web-based program that allows contractors and consumers to identify collection sites by zip codes Prepare and mail to contractor associations information on the program Develop information and distribute those materials to trade publications, local media and stakeholder groups
By 1/1/11 – Develop and update as necessary educational and other outreach materials for distribution to contractors, contractor associations, and consumers. Must include: Posters and clings Written materials or templates of written materials. Must include information on the importance of properly managing out-of-service mercury thermostats and opportunities for the collection of those thermostats. Provide an opportunity for the Agency and other stakeholders to offer. Mid-term reports are required. Number of mercury thermostats collected. Listing of all collection sites in IL. Annual reports required.
Set collection goals By 1/1/19 - Written report to governor and general assembly Effectiveness of program Estimate of amount remaining for collection Recommend whether sunset date of 12/31/20 should be extended Conduct outreach
5K for the first year 15K for 2012, 2013, and 2014 By 11/1/2014 we set collection goals for 2015 – Have to consider: Effectiveness of collection programs in IL and other states. Collection requirements in other states. Reports or studies on the number of out-of-service mercury thermostats that are available for collection in IL, other states and nationally. Other factors Must consult with stakeholders Our decision can be appealed to the Appellate Court.
If goals aren’t met for 2013, 2015, or 2017 thermostat manufacturers must submit a revised collection plan for Agency review. We have 90 days to review. Modifications may include Improved education and outreach Expansion in the number of collection locations Modify roles of participants $5 financial incentive (cash or coupon) Agency has to consult with stakeholders. Manufacturers have to implement approved or modified plan within 90 days. If plan is not approved, manufacturers have 35 days to submit a revised plan. Our decisions are appealable to the Illinois Pollution Control Board.
Penalties Manufacturer - $2,500 per day not tied to collection goals Wholesalers, contractors or other person - $500/day not tied to collection goals