Basket Weaving
Brief History of Basket Weaving Basket making is among the earliest of human-made objects. Its early appearance allowed humans to gather, share, and store food. Over time, basketry evolved in complexity and began to include elements of creative expression. All civilizations and cultures have created and continue to create baskets from materials in their environment. Contemporary Basket Makers often use man-made materials in sculptural forms. Basket making has become an art form. Baskets are no longer solely used for practical means.
Connections to the 5th Grade Curriculum Social Studies Explain how people in the U.S. participate in basic economic interdependency (rely on each other for trade) Examine how the natural resources (land-not created by humans) and physical features (mountains, rivers) influence human activity in each region of the U.S.
Connections to the 5th Grade Curriculum Continued Science Describe structures, processes, and interactions, that take place in cells Math Estimate, select, and apply customary and metric units of measurement for length
Art Standards and Elements I. Creates artwork reflecting a range of concepts, ideas, subject matter A. Creates artworks inspired by: 3. research of history II. Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes A. Uses a variety of materials/techniques to create 2-D and 3-D artwork including but not limited to sculpture (open and closed form)
Art Standards and Elements Continued IV. Self-evaluates art learning and develops habits of excellence A. Recognizes and cultivates habits of mind necessary for artistic work: 1. persistence – changing approach as needed 2. observation and visualization skills 3. problems have more than one solution 4. care in craftsmanship (whole is larger than the parts) 5. self-evaluation; understands learning goals for each artwork; evaluates when goals are reached 6. evaluates of work-in-progress and adjusts approach as necessary B Links art terms and production with math, language arts, social studies, science curriculum
Art Standards and Elements Continued V. Understands the visual arts in relation to history and cultures A. Interprets art from selected periods based on historical facts, theories and other information compiled by art historians D. Discusses technological advances that changed the way artists work
Day One Students will: 1.) Learn the history of baskets 2.) Measure fifteen 12” spokes 3.) Place spokes through the holes of the base, making sure each spoke extends 2” from the bottom 4.) Secure the spokes by weaving them along the base
The History of Baskets Traces of baskets have been found in the Egyptian pyramids, and woven basket liners have left their impressions inside the fragments of ancient pottery. There are ancient Indian baskets from the Southwest that have been identified by archaeologists as nearly 8000 years old. Baskets were used as molds to form pottery. Why did early civilizations need both types of containers (baskets and pottery)?
Early North American Baskets Native Americans and colonists discovered that basketry allowed them to take advantage of the natural abundance of their surroundings in the form of reeds, grass, straw, pine needles, roots, vines, cornhusks, and splints of willow, walnut, hickory, oak, and ash with a minimum of tools and hardware.
So how did baskets travel from one part of the world to another? With the explorers, of course. And this is how the various techniques of baskets also traveled to other parts of the world. As the explorers arrived in new lands, they traded goods they carried in baskets. As the recipient of the goods looked over the basket, he then applied that technique to the materials of his own land. This explains how so many Asian techniques- like hexagonal weaves- are found in European baskets, and how European techniques were then carried over to the Americas. Baskets were and still are needed as containers for everything imaginable- food, clothing, seeds, storage and transport. Before Tupperware® and Samsonite®- we had baskets!
Day Two Students will: 1.) Learn about the rattan palm vine 2.) Begin weaving with the weaver 3.) Add a new weaver 4.) Learn how to shape their baskets 5.) Choose 4 pieces of dyed reed for Day Three
The Rattan Palm Vine Rattan is actually the stem of a climbing palm, a rugged woody vine which can be steamed and formed into any desired shape. The large rattan palm vines grow up to 600 feet in length and are cut when they are 7 to 10 years old. The vine is usually cut about three feet above the ground. The remaining shoot continues to grow and in seven years, is ready to harvest again. Rattan is an extraordinarily versatile material, extremely durable and tough, as well as resilient and flexible.
Harvesting the Rattan Palm Vine The spines make the collection of rattan very difficult. Collectors harvest rattan from deep in the rain forest. They pull the vines down from the forest canopy and remove the spiny leaves. Bare cane is carried out of the rain forest and partially processed before being sold to middlemen who then transport it to major cities for further processing.
Shortage of Rattan Until recently almost all rattan was collected from tropical rain forests. With forest destruction, the habitat area of rattan has decreased rapidly over the last few decades and there is now a shortage of supply. The Forest Department in Indonesia has become aware of the vulnerability of the rattan supply and has begun a cultivation program aimed at safeguarding the long-term supply of rattan cane for the industry. Cultivation of rattan appears to be viable and offers the best possibility for future supply
Day Three Students will: 1.) Continue weaving by introducing the dyed reed 2.) Incorporate patterns using the dyed reed 3.) Learn two techniques for creating a rim for their baskets 4.) Be introduced to several different examples of baskets
Nantucket Lightship Baskets During the early 1800’s, Lightships were the only warning of shallow waters at sea (harbor entrances). They were “manned buoys” because the only means of light were oil lamps which needed frequent re-filling and repairs. Today we have mechanical buoys.
Nantucket Lightship Baskets The men stationed to monitor the ship for months at a time were on two watches. This provided leisure time which they began to fill with the weaving of baskets. The Lightship baskets were quite unique with their combination of cane sides and wood spokes emanating from a grooved wooden bottom. The quality of the Nantucket Lightship Baskets was superior to the plain baskets which had preceded them. A set of these baskets from the period of the original days is quite valuable today. A nested set of 6 sold at auction at Sotheby's in 1994 for $119,000.
Native American Baskets
Native American Baskets In earlier days, baskets accompanied Indian people throughout their lives. Babies were carried in baskets, meals were prepared and cooked in them, worldly goods were stored in them, and people were buried in them.
Botswana Baskets
Botswana Baskets Botswana baskets are widely regarded as some of the finest baskets in Africa, and certainly the best in southern Africa. Their high quality, outstanding craftsmanship and originality have gained them international recognition and they are now exported to many countries around the world The baskets are made of mokolwane palm which are cut and boiled in natural earth toned colorings. The shape of the baskets vary according to their function.
Post Activity / Assessment Students will bring in a basket from home, gather in small groups and discuss the differences and similarities. Students will locate the spokes, weavers, and rim Students will describe the basket using the appropriate vocabulary taught in the lesson