Some issues on the GIPL-DOS-TEM permafrost dynamics modeling
Soil column we been using for permafrost dynamics simulation The DOS-TEM layers MOSSDZ = moss layer SHLWDZ = fibric organic layer DEEPDZ = humic organic layer MINETOP = mineral soil layer 1 MINEBOT = mineral soil layer 2 Additional layers SILT BEDROCK
Upper Boundary Conditions: Mean Monthly Air Temperature Mean Monthly SWE From SWE the GIPL generated snow properties: Depth Density Thermal Conductivity At the Lower Boundary: Heat Flux calculated at the particular grid cell geospatially referenced by Latitude and Longitude, using spherical harmonic of order 12 described in: Pollack, H.N., Hurter, S.J., & Johnson, J.R., Heat flow from the earth's interior: analysis of the global data set, Reviews of Geophysics 31(3),
Conditionally named Soil Moisture Deficiency (SMD) VWC - Volumetric Water Content SMD = GIPL(VWC) – DOS-TEM(VWC) Daily soil temperature modeled in two ways: GIPL-Standalone and GIPL-DOS-TEM dynamics
The GIPL-DOS-TEM modeled daily soil temperature at 5 m depth (cccma_a1b)
Our findings: Soil moisture dynamics are very important for permafrost modeling because soil moisture affects seasonally depended processes such as freezing, thawing, time of freeze-up due to thermal conductivity and latent heat. However, seasonal processes could have impact on the long-term process of permafrost dynamics due to cumulative effect. One of the important ecosystem component for permafrost modeling are organic layer. An organic matter accumulation dynamics or their destruction, directly affect accuracy of prediction of permafrost behavior.