There is no age limit to start a business on the internet.
At first only the Military used computers. Page 130
All items bought and shipped online have shipping charges added to the total cost, either rolled into the overall price or added during checkout. Page 135
New products, new industry, and new jobs are created when change occurs in technology. Page 129
Buying goods out of season is a good way to save money.
What invention revolutionized farming. Page 129
What technology, first used by the military, revolutionized business? Page 130
The publishing industry has been greatly influenced by this way of doing business that digitally links the steps in a process called? Page 131
Silicon Valley and Silicon Alley are what types of industrial centers? Page 131
The following are example of an Internet job service. 1) 2) 3)
Being a manager is not the same as being a leader.
People have more confidence in a leader who is willing to make mistakes and learn from them.
If you are confident in your employees, you should delegate responsibility.
In a self-managed team, the leader is a team player rather than a boss.
Someone with initiative never waits to be told what to do.
If someone is lacking vision they could be a good manager, but not a good leader!
Decisiveness is required to be a confident leader.
The following are styles of leadership. Page 117,118,119
The following are advantage of self-managed teams. 1)faster and more efficient 2)can solve own problems 3)more goal-oriented than task- oriented
What is the most highly-valued quality in a leader, means holding to principles like honesty, loyalty, and fairness. Page 116
To be a good leader, you need to be a good listener in order to understand employees better and get them more involved in your vision.
In self-managed teams the role of the manager is replaced by the role of the team leader.
A click-and-mortar company, like, is an e-tail company, an electronic retailer.
JCPenney is considered a multi-channel retailer because it sells products in stores, by mail, and online.
Technology refers to the tools and machines people have invented to make life easier.
Thanks to technology, a library’s entire catalog and sets of encyclopedias may be available in digital form.
The Internet has created a demand for new jobs such as software writers and Web- page designers.
Know the definitions of the following: leadership Page 114 initiative Page 115 human relationsPage 115 IntegrityPage 116 autocratic leadershipPage 117 democratic leadPage 119
Know the definitions of the following: free-rein leadershipPage 119 DelegatingPage 119 self-managed teamsPage120
Know the definitions of the following: e-workforcePage 131 digital workflowPage 131 start-upsPage 132 e-commercePage 133 e-tailPage 133 multi-channel retailer Page 133
bricks-and-mortarPage 133 clicks-and-mortarPage 133 e-ticketPage 135 Know the definitions of the following:
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